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London, England

Hours later, Eleanor, Poppy, and Silver arrived in the beautiful but cold city of London. None of them dared to say a word. Eleanor was trying so hard to hide her feelings from her best friend and her daughter but on the inside, she felt like dying. Once again, she was heartbroken, without the love of her life, her friends, and most importantly, her daughter. She also felt like a shitty mum leaving behind her kid.

Silver knew that her mum was really sad, she knew that it was so hard for her to leave them behind, but she was also mad because she couldn't understand how none of her parents were able to admit their feelings, it was obvious that they were madly in love with each other.

After picking up their luggage, the three girls head out to the entrance, where a car was already waiting for them and minutes later they were on their way home. Silver was a bit excited, she hasn't been home in a lot of time and hasn't seen her grandfather, which was a great thing despite all the sadness she was feeling.

They finally arrived at the big white house but instead of feeling like home, they felt like strangers in their own house. Silver wasn't as excited as she felt moments earlier, she was missing her other half.

"Dad... we're home" Eleanor yelled through the big household but they didn't hear anything.

"Grandfather?" Silver called out but once again he didn't answer.

"Let me check his study" Poppy offered and continued walking down the hall to the cozy study.

Eleanor and Silver followed, and sure enough, there he was, sitting behind the desk, hidden behind The Financial Times.

"Hey stranger..." Eleanor smiled at the sight of what she thought was her father, but then the paper comes down and the three girls saw Stevie sitting behind the desk.

"Hi, Mum.  Did you know that private jets get you here in half the time?" Stevie smiled widely at the three dumbfounded women, then she laughed making Silver giggle at her crazy twin.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Silver asked, still shocked to see her sister seated in front of them.

"It took us around five minutes after you left to realize we didn't want to lose you two again." the curly haired girl added.

"We?" Eleanor asked curiously at her daughter. Her eyes were now watery and her heart started beating really fast.

Soon enough they all heard guitar chords streaming right in the study entrance, there he was, dressed in a simple green hoodie, jeans and black high top converse, a really simple outfit but yet so handsome. His fingers streaming a really nice melody and his eyes filled with tears.

"Lover of mine, maybe we'll take some time

Kaleidoscope mind gets in the way

Hope and I pray, darling, that you will stay

Butterfly lies, chase them away, mmm

Dance around the living room

Lose me in the sight of you

I've seen the red, I've seen the blue

Take all of me

Deep to where your secrets hide

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