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The next weeks that remained for the girls consisted on finding out about each other's lives, Stevie had pictures of her entire house, her uncles, her dad, her dog, her room... she had pictures of everything and that was thanks to her passion on photography, just like her mum, while Silver just had a few pictures of her mum, her grandfather, and her aunt Poppy.

They showed each other the pictures and draw blueprints of their homes, introduced their family and people they would be interacting with, the habits and of course the basic house rules. Silver was surprised to learn that her twin lived with her dad and one of his best friends, who is also kinda like her uncle and was also shocked to see how big is the Hemmings household, not forgetting about the nerves she had of living with international superstars.

The entire camp was reunited by the lake beach, where a huge farewell party was being held. All of the girls were sat by the bonfire singing to camp songs and telling stories, all but two. Silver and Stevie were sitting far from the crowd just talking about their coming crazy adventure.

"But my hair is not curly" Silver argued watching her sister's curly long hair.

Stevie sighed heavily. "But mine is, it would be weird if I arrived from camp with completely straight hair. Dad will notice."

Her sister shook her head and sat on her hands. "Well, I'll just tell him that I got a treatment or something, don't worry."

Stevie stared at her. "Okay, he will buy it, he's an idiot sometimes." She laughed

Silver smiled and started chewing her nails, a habit she always does. "Mum will notice, though. You have to straighten your hair Evie, at least while you're there."

It was after dinner and the twins were back at the cabin. Stevie was sitting on her bed, watching pictures of her mum and imagining how life with her feels like, while Silver was packing all her stuff thinking about how her dad would react when he sees her.

"come on Silv, calm down, everything would be just fine." Stevie stood leaving the pictures aside and approaching her bedside table and took a CD in her hands. "I'm going to play dad's album, you have to listen to it, it's so good... Oh! and you have to learn the lyrics, he knows I know every lyric of every song." Stevie said smiling.

Silver looked expectantly at her sister and gave her a reassuring smile. "Ready?" Stevie asked and silver smiled and nodded, she wanted to hear her dad singing.

The first track of the album started playing and as soon as it started Silver was amazed at how good her dad sings, she was so proud of what she was hearing and soon after the twins started dancing to 5 seconds of summer and their amazing album, they were both very happy at how their life turned out to be.

"Oh my god, dad's amazing Eve, he really is!" Silver said amazed at their talented family.

"He really is, you have to go with him to the studio, they sound even better when they are practicing and recording." Stevie smiled.

"Now, let's straighten your hair, we have to leave early in the morning." Stevie rolled her eyes at her bossy sister and sat on the high stool in front of their vanity.

Silver went over to her drawer and pulled out the brush and the straightener.

After a while, they were done with Stevie's hair, both stood in front of the mirror staring at her new hair. It was exactly like Silver's and they were amazed at how alike they really looked now.

"This is so scary," Stevie remarked touching her hair. Silver appeared beside her and waved her hand. "Honey, you never looked better," she said mocking an Australian accent just like her sister's, which she would have to use once they made the switch.

It was the last day of camp and everyone was giving each other tearful goodbyes and promises to keep in touch. Stevie and Silver both walked towards the entrance of the camp. The twins have already switched and both were ready to go their separate ways to meet the parents they've been dreaming of their whole life to meet.

"Okay, this is it," Steve said breathlessly, now wearing her sister's yellow dress. Her sister has taken her hair and done french braids that her mum had taught her to do before leaving for camp.

"Okay, remember, you're going to find out how mum and dad met." Silver reviewed, wearing Luke's old letterman jacket with a plain white tee underneath and blue jean shorts, her hair was in a tight ponytail trying to mask how her hair wasn't curly like her sister's.

"And you're going to find out why the broke up." Stevie finished.

"Silver James, your car is here!" Mildred announced into the bullhorn.

"That's you- Heres your ticket and your passport. Aunt Poppy is going to pick you up at the airport." Silver hurriedly said, pressing the ticket and passport to her sister's hand.

"Take care, dad will pick you up and security will look for you outside the airplane, remember the crazy fangirls so don't be scared when you hear a lot of screaming girls outside the airport." a worried Stevie said.

"Don't worry, ill be fine, give mum a kiss for me."

"Give dad one from me," Stevie said giving her twin a final hug.

"Last call for Silver James!" Mildred announced again-

Stevie rushed to the car, received a hug from Mildred, and climbed in.

"Good luck," Silver said with a sigh and closed her eyes.

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