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Stevie and Silver were holed up in Stevie's room, on Stevie's bed both wearing their matching pajamas, playing a game of poker when Luke came up

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Stevie and Silver were holed up in Stevie's room, on Stevie's bed both wearing their matching pajamas, playing a game of poker when Luke came up. He checked himself in the mirror, making sure that he didn't look bad for the dinner with Elie. 

"Wow! You look so nice, where are you going." Silver said looking up when she saw her dad in the door, smiling at the two girls. 

"What are you doing?" Stevie asked excitedly but her dad just grabbed the doorknob with a smiley face. "Good night, Ladies," he said in a singsong voice before pulling the door closed. Stevie and Silver glanced at each other, thrilled. They placed down their cards and crossed their fingers, silently praying for the same thing. 

Back in the kitchen, Eleanor was setting the table as Luke walked in, smiling at her. 

"Smells good in here," he said sniffing proudly and Eleanor giggled. 

"Really? It's just boiling water." she laughed. 

"Oh. Then it must be you..." Luke said looking at her, making Eleanor blushed at his comment. He was in the flirting mood already and she was more than okay with it. 

"Follow me..." he grabbed Elie's hand and guided her downstairs to his studio. She was stunned at how cool the place was. He literally had everything at his house and she imagined this was his favorite place in the house, how could it no be. It was perfect. 

"This is where I spend the majority of my time, and also where I keep my private stuff."

"Oh wow," Eleanor said staring at the room. It was really organized with pictures of the guys, album covers, and awards hanging on the walls. 

"Let me show you..." he placed his hand on her waist leading her to where he had most of their awards and important things for them.

"This one is really important" He took one of them and showed it to her.

"Why?" she asked looking at the shiny thing. 

"This one is for best song at the AMAS..."He looked into her eyes. "Read it." 

She eyed the letters that were engraved on it.  "Amnesia, 5 Seconds Of Summer,"  she said and then looked at him with confusion all over her face. 

"Um... That's one of the many songs I wrote about you," he whispered and ran his hands through his hair. 

Amnesia was a very important song to him, he wrote it when she broke up with him and he was in a very dark place so the only thing that helped him was writing, putting his feelings into a song and so, that's how he wrote Amnesia and many others. Eleanor was and still is his inspiration. 

Back upstairs, Stevie and Silver were no longer playing cards but were lying on their backs, looking at the ceiling, both quiet, with the exception of Petunia's panting next to them. 

"Silv?" Stevie said softly, not bothering to turn and look at her sister. 

"Yeah?" Silver replied, just as softly, shifting on the bed slightly but not facing her twin. 

"What if..." Stevie took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, getting ready for the tears she knew were bound to spill if she opened them. "What if they don't get back together and you have to go back to London?" 

Silver bolted up and turned her body so she could look at her sister, whose eyes were still closed, yet some tears had managed to escape. "Why would you say that? you know this is is going to work!" 

Stevie opened her eyes and sat up, facing her sister. She tucked some hair behind her ear and wiped her tears. " I know... but mum can be really stubborn, and well, she might be too caught up to realized dad loves her more than anything in the world." She whispered, looking into Silver's blue eyes. 

Silver's eyes welled up with tears, realizing her sister was right. She embraced Stevie in a tight hug. "Yeah... I know, but if that happens. well still. be sisters, and we can visit each other all the time.  We still have camp, remember?" she whispered, not letting Stevie go.

"I don't think you've heard it... I suppose you didn't hear any of our songs in these past years." he awkwardly chuckled. Luke assumed she didn't want to hear their songs, as it was too much for her,  but what he didn't know was that Eleanor heard every song they released. This was one of her biggest secrets, she cried a lot of times hearing those beautiful lyrics of all their albums. It helped her remember Luke. 

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia. And forget about the stupid little things. Like the way, it felt to fall asleep next to you. And the memories I never can escape" she said closing her eyes, showing him how she knew every lyric of that song. She remembered how it hurt, the guilt she felt when she left him.

Luke was speechless, there she was, the love of his life showing him she actually heard the song. He didn't know how to feel nor what to say, so he just stared at her with wide eyes.

Eleanor opened her eyes, taking a deep breath. 

"Oh... you've heard it" 

"Yeah, I've heard all your songs." She smiled a little and blushed, admitting this to him. 

"You did?" 

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I."

"Oh, um... thanks, that means so much to me:" he said sincerely, grabbing her hand.

Eleanor stood in shock. She couldn't move and now her heart was beating really fast. Being with Luke was like being in heaven and she'd rather be there than elsewhere. Luke blew the dust off the statute he still had in his hand and Eleanor bowed her head as small tears escaped. 

"You okay?" he asked, looking at her in worry. 

"Just got a little dust in my eye..."  she lied, looking down and avoiding luke's eyes.  

"Are you sure?... we could go upstairs if you want to," he assured her.

"No, no, I'm fine, now. Really. All better." she assured him, although she knew she was lying, and she wasn't fine at all. 

"You don't always have to be so brave, you know," he told her. 

"Oh, but I do, actually..." she whispered. 

The distance between their faces was decreasing by seconds, as they got closer and closer. Eleanor closed her eyes for the anticipated kiss as Luke watched her face draw nearer. Their lips were millimeters apart when. they heard a honking noise from the outside and both looked towards the door. The distance grew and the moment dissipated into nothingness, leaving Luke inwardly frustrated and wanting to kill Calum Hood, who decided to honk in the worst moment. 

"Anybody home?" Calum called out and Luke placed his hand on Eleanor's waist as if telling to not answer, but in much to his dismay, she let out a sad smile and stepped backward shaking her head. 

"Yeah... We're on our way up..." he said, closing his eyes and sighing, knowing he was about to lose her once again. 


Hey! sorry, short chapter, but don't worry! im not planning on finishing this story anytime soon, so please just enjoy and let me know what you think about this so far :)

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Ly and stay home 


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