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The twins layed together at their joined beds after their big discovery, excited about how their life had changed in a few minutes and wondering together why their parents took that awful desition to separate them. 

"I want to be mad at our parents, but their break up must have been pretty bad for them to separate us like this," Stevie said, trying hard to think of a reason as to why they broke up. 

"I mean, I can't imagine anyone not getting along with mum, she's pretty calm, everyone loves her." Silver commented, also trying hard to think of a reason. They both laughed, finally getting along and loving their sisterly company, something that both of them never experience in their whole life. 

"Tell me, whats mum like?" Stevie asked excitedly with a beautiful look in her blue eyes.

Silver's smile grew bigger and her eyes lit up as they always did when she spoke about her mum. 

"Well... she's a photographer" she began, smiling at the thought of her mum. "And she loves fashion, so you could say that's her passion too."

"Really?" Stevie smiled. 

"She's becoming quite famous, actually."  her sister continued. "She has her own studio in London, and many celebrities contact her to do their photoshoots," she said smiling at the thought of her hardworking mum. "Last month she did a photoshoot with Gigi Hadid for Vogue, it was amazing." 

"Wow." Stevie sighed, imagining her as she did all her life 

"You know what's interesting?" Stevie asked. "Neither of them ever got married again," she mumbled looking at her twin. "Has your... my, uh, our mum ever been close to marrying again?" she asked hoping the answer was clearly a big no.

"Never, she always says we are fine just the two of us." Silver smiled. 

"Same, dad's never come close either, he always says I'm the only girl in his life." Stevie sighed at the thought of her dear dad.  "You know what this means, right?" 

Silver shook her head and smiled at her. 

"What does it mean?" She asked. 

Stevie sat down looking at her twin and smiled at what she was about to say. 

"Secretly, in their innermost heart of hearts, they must still be in love with each other." She said. 

Silver's eyes widened in excitement and smiled at what her twin had said to her. 

"You think so? Then, why haven't they tried to see each other all these years?"

Stevie stayed silent for a minute, thinking of the idea of wanting to meet her mum, to know how she is and how she looks, to love her and having her by side for the rest of her life. 

"Oh my god!" Stevie bolted straight up in bed, smiling brightly to herself. "I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea." she gushed to herself getting out of bed and pacing around the big cabin. "I'm a genius Silver!" she looked over at her sleepy sister, throwing her stuffed bunny at her. 

"Silver, dude, wake up! you're related to bona fide genius."

Silver moaned loudly as she sat on her side of the bed. "What are you raving about?"

Stevie excitedly stood by her sister's bed." You want to know what dad is like, right?"

"I was just dreaming I was on your front porch with him." Silver sighed shutting her eyes again as she snuggled into her warm bed.

Stevie ignored her and continued excitedly. 

"And I'm dying to know mum, so, what I'm thinking is... oh man, this is so brilliant, it's scary." She breathed. 

Silver, now awake and sitting up because of her sisters rambling, stared at her in irritation. "Do you want to tell me what is it so I can go back to sleep?" 

Stevie looked at her, her eyes sparkling in a mixture of excitement and mischief. "Don't freak out, okay?" Silver nodded and she continued. "I think we should switch places!" Stevie explained, looking thoroughly psyched at her brilliance while Silver gasped dramatically. "When camps over, ill go to London as you, and you'll go to Sydney as me!"

"What?!" her sister didn't seem to be getting the point. 

"Silver, we could pull it off. We're twins, aren't we?" Stevie said

"Twins from different countries, with different accents, different hairstyles, different vocabularies... different everything. Stevie, we're totally completely, one hundred percent different. "Silver countered. 

"So, what's the problem?" Stevie asked exasperatedly. "I'll teach you to be me and you teach me to be you." She explained like it eas the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Look, I can do you already," Stevie held her hair up and resembled one of Silver's hairstyles. "yes, you want to know the difference between us?" she said in a melodramatic English accent. "I have class and you don't." Silver giggled at her twin's impersonation of her. 

Stevie pouted at her sister, getting on her knees and intertwining her hands together, pleading with her sister with a puppy dog face. "C'mon Silv, I gotta meet my mum." 

Silver bit her lip and got out of bed. " the truth is, you know if we switch, sooner or later they'll have to un-switch us." 

"After all these years." Her sister breathed, looking excited too. 

"Thank you," Stevie said in a chipper voice. "I told you I'm brilliant!" She said as she and her sister got back into bed and went to sleep.


Hey, I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been through a lot of things these past weeks so I'm sorry, ill also be updating Valentina in a while so stay tuned. 

Thank you! 


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