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It was the night after the girls have met and a lot of girls were gathered at Silver's bunker, a lot of them were challenging her at poker, but she was so good at it, her grandfather Eddie taught her well and after a few girls trying to win she was still undefeated. 

"Sorry ladies, two pairs, read them and weep.," she said as she gathered the pot and the other girl threw in her cards with a heavy and sad sigh. 

"Well, does anyone else dare to challenge me?" she asked looking around the room, but the rest of the girls didn't seem to keen on challenging the undefeated winner, she thought poker night was over, but then a girl with curly blonde hair with her exact same face entered the bunker,  the crowd of girls around her parted to make way for Stevie Hemmings, who was wearing a nice leather jacket that her father has given to her as a gift and her black shades (that belong to her uncle Michael) covering her big blue eyes and she had one bag in her hand filled with coins. 

"I'll take a whack at it," Stevie said as she approached the table, mocking Silver's accent and repeating what she had said early in the afternoon. With a smirk in her face, Stevie flipped the bag and let all the coins spill on the table, then sat down and put the shades atop her head. 

"Take a seat, Hemmings" Silver said and Stevie sat down on the stool and put both hands on the table.

"Let's see if you're that good, James."

Silver distributed the cards, while she and Stevie had a staredown. When Stevie had her cards in her hands she looked at the girls next to her and smirked, the game became much longer and intense, everyone was staring at them waiting for something to happen, there were a lot of bills, lipsticks, scrunchies, and some other things placed on the center of the table. It was nearing the end of the game and Stevie knew she was going to win so she looked again at who she didn't know was her sister and gave her a mischievous smile. 

"I'll tell you what, let's make this a lot more interesting, loser get to jump in the lake after the game," she said and Silver smiled convinced that she was going to win. 

"Excellent" she agreed. 

"Butt-naked" Stevie said and everyone around them gasped in delight and chuckled at her idea. 

"Even more excellent; start unzipping Hemmings." she smiled. "straight in diamonds" Silver declared with a smirk on her face, looking so much like Stevie. 

"Good, James" Stevie said, with a funny look on her face. "But, just not good enough; in your honor, a royal flush."  Stevie placed her cards on the table and laughed at Silver's expression. 

Silver walked down the end of the dock, butt naked in the chilly summer night and a lot of girls were watching and giggling at her which made Stevie mischievously smile, then Silver turned around and with her hand on her forehead saluted at her sister. she returned it and watched her making a perfect dive into the water. 

But that was not it, Stevie quickly grabbed her sister's clothes leaving only Silver's white sneakers, and after she surfaced back from the water shivering at how chilly the night as she saw nothing but her shoes, she was really pissed. 

"Well if you want it this way, then let the games begin," she said to herself. 

The next day after Stevie and her friends were heading towards their bunker and talking about how tired they were, her friend Paige looked up with a horrified expression and the other two looked surprised. On top of the roofs perched three beds and three trunks of the girls and the English flag was waving mockingly at them, making Stevie growl at how annoying her clon was. 

Stevie wasn't going to stay behind so after a long day of planning their revenge they finally gathered all the stuff and while everyone was asleep in the Navajos bunker they went it, pouring oil on the floor and making a web out of strings that upon being hit or pulled will set of traps, then they also poured honey over one of the girls' body, sprayed whip cream on the head of another and prepared a big pale of chocolate syrup. 

It was now morning once again and the bugle call sounder which started off the day. Silver was the first one to wake up and she was stretching when she opened her blue eyes and saw the web of strings around the bunker.  She stepped on the oil and she let out a loud yelped which awoke the other girls who were also yelping at how gross the situation was. Then a lot of water balloons fell from above her head, trying to dodge all of them,  but as she thought there wasn't more, a huge balloon fell on her head wetting all her perfectly braided hair.  

"That girl is without a doubt the lowest most awful creature to ever walk the planet!" Silver exclaimed, clearly pissed at her evil clon. 

"Thank you, thank you very much," Stevie said outside the window, enjoying the situation. 

Just then, the camp's chief and her assistant passed by the three girls, she held up the bullhorn towards then and gave then a cheery good morning to which the girls replied with a cheery of their own, and just then the three of them hit with the realization of what just happened and they turned again in horror. 

"Surprise inspection!" said Margaret into the bullhorn and looked at the Navajo bunker.

"First stop, Navajos!" she said in a sing-song voice, Stevie rushed to stop her from going inside but, Silver said it was nothing wrong in there for Margaret to go in, she knew Stevie was going to get some kind of punishment and she was going to enjoy it.  

Margaret opened the door and was immediately covered in chocolate syrup, and in an attempt to hold Margaret, Mildred pushed her and took the place of being underneath the chocolate. The two of them were covered in chocolate and slipped and skidded on the oiled floor until the very end of the bunker, where they hit some shelves and fell on their asses and as they tried to get up with the help of a doll attached to a string they turned the fan which showered everyone in the room with white feathers, much to their dismay. 

"I told you to not get in!"Stevie exclaimed 

"She should know... she did it!" Silver cried angrily. 

"You!" Margaret pointed at Stevie. "And you!" She yelled angrily also pointing at Silver. "Pack your bags!".

Hi, I know its the same until now, but trust me when they go home a lot of things will change, ill upload the next chapter in a few minutes. 

Enjoy and let me know if someone is actually reading this!


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