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Later that day, Luke and Hayley were looking around Tiffany's. Hayley wanted to go ring shopping and Luke couldn't say no, after the big tantrum Hayley threw.

"I'm sorry, I just don't see why you have to have dinner with your ex-girlfriend and with her little Mary Poppin's accent and 'Im a famous photographer and my life is perfect' attitude.  Why couldn't you just meet her in the lobby, discuss the custody, shake hands, and say good-bye?" Hayley complained as she looked at many expensive pieces of jewelry. "I'll tell you why - because your daughters don't want me to marry you."

"C'mon babe, you know that's not true," Luke said, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets and studying Hayley's green eyes that were the same color as Eleanor's but not as warm and loving. "And besides, this dinner is really important for the girls, it's the first time I'm with both of them, together." He continued, as this time he studied Hayley's hair, it was short and shiny and it made her look really good, but it wasn't as beautiful as Eleanor's wavy blonde hair. Hayley smiled at his stare, convinced that he was actually thinking about her. But the truth was, Luke's only thoughts were about Eleanor James and her little 'Mary Poppin's accent.'

"Can we have some help over here, please?" Hayley looked over the saleswoman and then turned back to Luke. "It's totally true.  They see me as the evil step-mother. Trust me, I'm not being paranoid.  Those girls have something up their sleeve..." without missing a beat, she turned to the saleswoman again. "Can I try on the emerald cut, please?  No, the bigger one... The biggest one."

Luke placed his hands on her shoulders sighing at his paranoid fiancé. "Babe, calm down. I told you. The girls have never had a meal with both their parents in their entire lives.  How could I say no?"

Hayley ignored him and lightened up as she slipped on the ring. "I told you to let me be part of all your negotiations, didn't I?" she said not even looking at him and showing him the ring with a bright smile. "This is incredible.  What do you think?"

Luke sighed, not caring about the ring, which was being paid by him, of course. "I think I have to get dressed for dinner." He muttered, trying to get out of the store as soon as possible.

"Lukey!" Hayley whined.

Luke just gave her a fake smile, like the ones shes used to do all the time, wanting to get out of there. "If you love it.  I love it."

Hayley threw her arms around him, smiling widely. "I absolutely love it!"

Back at the hotel, Eleanor rifled through her suitcase, wondering what she should wear for dinner when Poppy, this time dressed in comfy clothes walked in and sat down on her bed.

"Hey... shouldn't you be ready by now?" She asked as she looked at her crazy friend.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to wear, I don't think I brought something for tonight." She answered, throwing clothes all over her room.

"What are you talking about?... That's why I made you pack that sexy black dress... remember? " Poppy asked as it was obvious.

"Um, I don't know... I mean, how are you so sure that he's going to like me wearing that?" she said, standing back up.

"You're not serious, right?" Poppy asked looking for the dress she packed herself. "El, you and Luke met like twelve years ago, when fashion wasn't even a thing. I mean, we used to wear hoodies and leggings all time and he was madly in love with you. Just fucking imagine his face when he sees you in that dress."

"Well, I don't know. I'm eleven years older." she snapped. putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah... and you're twenty-eight, not fifty, you didn't even age a year." Poppy looked at her insecure friend and rolled her eyes. "Ugh, stop whining and put the damn dress on. I'll help you with the hair and makeup," she said also snapping at her, and Eleanor grabbed the dress and heels and stormed off to got to the bathroom.

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