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* long chapter.*

Sydney, Australia

The Four Seasons Hotel was brimming with guests going to and fro with smiles on their faces and cold drinks in their hands- it was summertime, after all

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The Four Seasons Hotel was brimming with guests going to and fro with smiles on their faces and cold drinks in their hands- it was summertime, after all. Hayley paced back and forth in front of two elevators looking for someone. She frowned and went back to where her parents were also waiting.

William and Charlotte Moon looked like the epitome of all rich parents figures. They were just as dressed up as their daughter was, with outfits just as expensive as Hayley's. However, William was annoyed at how his daughter was waiting for her fiance and he obviously didn't like standing there for so long.

"Okay, they'll be here any minute...Be nice, Daddy. He's everything you ever wanted for your little girl... plus millions more." She whispered and William suddenly softened up.

"Then you know I'll be nice," he smirked at the thought of money. Hayley laughed and playfully tapped her father's arm when she caught sight of Luke walking towards them. He looked completely dashing, wearing his signature black jeans and a white button-up with sleeves rolled up halfway and no jacket on, a fresh, but nice look.

"Okay, there he is

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"Okay, there he is..." she said and straightened her white strapless dress, it was a color that didn't suit her at all and that was the first thing Luke noticed when he approached her with his family. Silver, Calum, and Petunia following behind him.

"With the whole motley crew" Hayley muttered under her breath and tries to maintain the smile that was falling from her face.

"Hi darling" she exclaimed sweetly and kissed him which made Silver roll her eyes. "Stevie, Calum, and... Petunia." she greeted the other two people and the stared at the dog. "What in the world are you doing here?" she asked and leaned closer to Luke, "Lukey, a dog in The Four Seasons?" she muttered.

"Evie begged me to bring her," Luke explained with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders.

"And naturally you said 'yes'" Hayley fake smiled and bent down to pat the dog's head. Petunia growled and tried to bite Hayley's hand, making her jump and yelp in surprise.

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