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Luke and Eleanor climbed the stairs and entered the kitchen, where they were greeted by Calum and Poppy

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Luke and Eleanor climbed the stairs and entered the kitchen, where they were greeted by Calum and Poppy. Both were really smily and happy, laughing about some things that Eleanor and Luke couldn't understand.

"Hey!... How was the picnic?" Eleanor asked, putting on a mask and hiding her feelings. She was really trying not to cry in front of them.

"It was really good, Cal showed me the city, we went to the beach... yeah, well we did a lot." Poppy said, smiling at Calum, who smiled back at her.

"This girl is a lot to handle... but a lot of fun. How was the camping trip?" He asked and looked at Luke's expression. He knew there was something wrong, and so his smile faded.

"Aren't you back early? Are we interrupting anything?... Oh my god,  we are, let's go." Poppy also understood the situation, she knew her best friend was uncomfortable and she immediately was concerned that something had triggered those awful feelings that Eleanor felt eleven years ago.

"No, no, uh, you're not interrupting anything. Are you hungry? Luke cooked some pasta, do you want to join us?"  Eleanor asked as if saying 'help me' to Poppy.

Luke looked at Eleanor, wishing she hadn't invited them to stay and sending a dirty look to his friend, who decided to show up at the worst time.

"You don't mind? really? It's not a problem, we could just eat later." Calum tried to fix it, but it was late. Eleanor was trying to push the subject back, not thinking about the fact that she almost kissed Luke. 

"No, no, it's fine," Eleanor assured with a forced smile.  "I'll set the table for two more..."

Luke didn't know how to feel, he felt like a coward and now he was letting her go. Again.

It was a rainy day in the city of Sydney, Australia. The Hemmings household looked desolate under the torment of the clouds and it gave a cold atmosphere. At the front door, eight people stood looking at the taxi that was to take half of them away.

Luke was hugging Silver tightly and she looked at him with tears in her eyes, still with hope and trying to convey the message that she didn't want to go.  They both looked around to see Eleanor and Stevie hugging tightly. Eleanor caressed her daughter's face and smiled at her. Stevie walked towards her sister and they hugged tightly. After that, she got an umbrella and accompanied her to the taxi with an arm around her shoulder.

Luke offered to take them to the airport, but Eleanor declined, she didn't want to say goodbye at the airport like it was a cheesy movie. She was already heartbroken at the thought of leaving them behind, for the second time. She just felt like a coward, like she wasn't able to admit to him how she felt, she wanted to stay, but he didn't insist and he was letting her go.

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