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London, England

Eleanor was going around her walk-in closet getting random clothes and throwing them in a heap on her bed as Poppy watched her from her spot on the bed.

"El, calm down. Everythings going to be just fine." Poppy said looking up and leaving the magazine she was reading on her side.

"I can handle seeing Luke Hemmings after all these years.  People see their ex's all the time, don't they?" She tried to calm herself, knowing she was a total mess.

"Ugh... Who am I kidding?" Eleanor threw the clothes she had in her hands, lighting a cigarette, an awful habit she does when she's stressed. Thankfully that doesn't happen a lot. "I can't handle this." she declared.

"Oh my god! Stop being a drama queen! and stop doing that!" Poppy said taking the cigarette away from her friend.

"I haven't seen or heard from Luke Hemmings in over eleven years. I have tried to stay away from social media just so I didn't know anything from him and suddenly I'm flying halfway across the world to... I'm not mature enough for this. If the man had fought for me and his daughter I'd still be with him." She delivered her monologue like a true drama queen as her best friend watched her drone on and on and on, looking bored with it all.

"That's not fair, you know why you guys broke up. Oh, wait. He doesn't even know about one big part of it all." Poppy whispered the last part so Stevie couldn't hear their conversation.

"We came up with this-arrangement so we'd never have to see each other again. And, most importantly, I did it because I didn't want him to give up on his career." Eleanor declared.

"What if he doesn't recognize me?  Be honest, Poppy, how old do I look?  No, don't answer that... Hey, what am I worried about?  He could be fat or bald.  Or both." She said and Poppy laughed at that statement. Luke Hemmings was far from being fat or bald. He was way hotter than eleven years ago.

"Please, just shut the fuck up!" Poppy cried as Eleanor continued rambling. "El, first of all, you're 28 and still look like you're 18, so chill. He's going to be amazed at how good you look, and second, Stevie says her Dad's quite the hunk.  And never re-married, either.  Just like you, so, please. Stop."

Eleanor smiled at what Poppy said. When they were together Luke was actually very hot so it was so hard for her to imagine a Luke way hotter than years ago.

"It just so happens I'm not remarried by choice. But I've had my share of men, remember Daniel? was it his name?" Eleanor gushed.

"It was Damian, El. And that was like years ago." Poppy muttered and Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"Whatever...So Luke's still a hottie, huh? well, I have to admit that he had this effect on me every time he looked at me..." Eleanor said and Poppy nodded at her, looking amused at her friend.

"All set, mum," Stevie announced, making her presence known with a grin that matched her dad's.

"Good... Me too... Almost...Not quite."

"Mum, your suitcase is totally empty," Stevie noted as she stood by Poppy who was laughing at her crazy best friend.

"Oh. Right.  Sorry." Eleanor said distractedly. "Did you speak to your dad?"

Stevie and Poppy shared a look before she answered, "Uh, yeah, I just hung up with him, actually.  He said he's really anxious to see you."

"He did? Anxious-nervous, like he's dreading it or anxious-excited like he's looking forward to it?"

"Anxious-excited, definitely," Stevie said and Poppy raised an eyebrow, knowing she was lying, "He said he'll meet us tomorrow at noon at the Four Seasons in central Sydney... You're gonna love it."

Eleanor nervously laughed when she heard what her daughter said, she wasn't ready for this.

"Tomorrow?... that's incredibly soon, isn't it?  Well, honey, why don't you run downstairs and gather our tickets from your Grandfather while I finish up here? she said and Stevie nodded.

She was about to exit the room when Poppy whispered in her ear, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire..."

Stevie whirled around and glared at her, bringing her finger up to her lips. "Shh!" she hissed and swiped her hand against her neck. She was indeed really like her mum.

"Uh... Pops, I have to ask you something." Eleanor said calming herself down a little.


"Do you want to go with us? I really need you by my side," she asked hoping she'd say yes.

"Are you kidding? That's like a free ticket to see Calum Hood. Of course, I'll go with you El, I wouldn't leave you alone in this." She answered with a big smile on her face. That was true though, she had a crush on Calum years ago and never got to tell him.

"Okay, now that you're saying this... if I were seeing my ex after eleven years and I had your body" Poppy came out of the closet with a black short dress with an open back." I'd wear this baby.  You'll kill in it."

Eleanor smiled gratefully and started putting her clothes in the suitcase, while Poppy helped her pack the toiletries, and a few minutes later Poppy went to her room to pack her own bag.

A while later, the James's were all set and Eleanor was hugging her father goodbye. Stevie rushed up to her grandfather and gave him a hug.

"Bye, Pop," she said.

"Bye, Eve" Grandfather said with a small smile, he was going to miss her.

"You're coming to Sydney for Christmas, right?" Stevie asked looking up to his face.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Stevie rose up on her tiptoes and kissed her Grandfather good-bye."

"Say hello to your Father for me!" Eddie called out as Stevie rushed to the car, where Poppy was already there, with a nice outfit and sunny shades on and her mother was looking out the window thinking about the encounter with her ex.


Hey! So this is part 1 of the big meet, don't worry, Part 2 is almost ready so maybe in an hour if I have at least one vote ill upload it!

Thank you for reading.

Ly, and stay home.


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