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London, England

It was breakfast time back in London and the phone rang

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It was breakfast time back in London and the phone rang. Eleanor was busy fixing herself in her room when she heard the incessant ringing.

"Could somebody grab that please?" She called out and since Poppy was nearest the phone, she answered it.

"James residence?" She said while scrunching her eyebrows just as Stevie passed by her eating an apple. "Silver?" Poppy said bewildered.

"Yes, Poppy?" Stevie said looking at her.

Poppy gave her a confused look and continued talking, "It sounds just like you on the phone... I'm sorry, who did you want to speak to? Silver? Right... uh... Emma Smith is looking for you," She handed Stevie the phone, "Weird, she sounded just like your... twin" she remarked.

"My twin?" Stevie exclaimed surprised, "Very funny Pops," she put the phone to her ear while a confused nostalgic Poppy left the room thinking about what she just said.

"Hello? oh, Emma darling, how are you?" she said in a melodramatic English accent.

"Hey, how's it going over there? Silver asked worriedly as she walked into her bathroom.

"Oh, everything's quite lovely here, we're expecting a bit of rain today... but Emma, can you hold for a moment?" Stevie said making sure the coast was clear and then entered the closet underneath the staircase and she settled herself amongst the coats.

"Okay, now I can talk... Oh my god! mum's incredible, I can't believe I've lived my whole life without knowing her, she's so beautiful and fun and smart and I love her designs and her pictures, it's like she's my role model, I absolutely love her. I cannot believe my dad let me live my entire life without my mum... Oh, and I got her talking about how she and dad first met, and she kinda told me how she felt about him and if you ask me––" her babbling was stopped by a cry at the other end of the line.

"Stevie, stop!" an exasperated Silver cried, "We've got a major problem. You're going to have to bring mum out here immediately."

"Immediately? Are you kidding? I've only had one day with her... I'm just getting to know her, I can't, I refuse." Stevie said stubbornly as she fished the pockets of the coats for something.

"But this is an emergency, Evie. Dad's in love." Silver pleaded but her sister just laughed. 

"You're joking, right? Dad doesn't fall in love, I mean, not seriously." Stevie said rolling her eyes.

"Trust me, he's serious this time, he's always holding her hand, kissing her neck, grabbing her ass... ugh" Silver reported disgusted and Stevie found herself sinking to the floor.

"He is?" she asked.

"It's disgusting! the boys don't even like her, they said she's a bitch." Silver snapped.

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