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The next day, was officially the first day of camp, and Stevie's first activity was fencing. It was a sport she liked a lot and until the moment she was the undefeated winner. She excitedly put on her nylon jacket and put her curly long hair in a ponytail, grabbed her foil and mask, and went off to the fencing area, where, in a few minutes she defeated the first opponent. 

"The undefeated winner from Sydney, Australia, Miss Stevie Hemmings," Mildred announced holding up Stevie's arm as her friends cheered for her. 

"Now, who wants to be next? come on girls, let's not be damsels in distress" she asked as Silver and her friends walked by after their tennis matches.

"I'll take a whack at it" Silver announced and Mildred smiled. 

"Okay, we got ourselves a challenger," she said and looked at her watch before writing Silver's name on her clipboard. 

Both girls got ready, Stevie still in her green jacket with her ponytail and Silver putting on a white nylon jacket with all her hair perfectly braided. 

The two girls finally faced each other but with their masks on, they walked towards each other and crossed their foils. 

"Ready?" Mildred enthusiastically asked. 

"Ready" Both answered 

The fencing began and it was a heated battle between them, both girls were extremely competitive so it was getting more difficult to win. Silver moved forward prompting Stevie to move farther and farther back until the two weren't on the fencing area anymore. 

After some other moves, the girls ended up on a higher level, right above a little pond, and after the button on the end of Silver's foil made contact with Stevie's jacket the latter fell over the railing and into the water, making Stevie fell while the other girls were laughing, then Silver leaned in and offered her hand. 

"Here, let me help you" Silver offered to Stevie who took her hand. 

"No, let me help you!" she said and pulled Silver into the water as well. 

"Why did you that for!?" Silver asked annoyed at the girl beside her. 

"Me!? you're the one who pushed me in!" Stevie retorted as the two girls started to get up. 

"I did not!" Silver said rolling her eyes behind the mask. 

"Good job ladies, that was quite a show," Mildred said approaching the angry girls pushing through the crowd of girls that were gathered around them. " I think we have a new champion! from London, England, give it up for miss Silver James!" She announced clapping at Silver, as the two girls took off their masks and stubbornly stood back to back. 

"No, girls, shake their hands," Mildred said but the two stubborn girls refused to face one another. 

"Girls, come on," she said again and finally the two stood face to face. 

Stevie and Silver were both shocked to see their reflection in the other, everyone that was gathered around them was amazed at their resemblance. Stevie stuck her hand out and when Silver stuck out hers, the two gasped at what they felt holding their hands. 

Stevie let go first and tried to act as nothing had happened while Silver was still amazed at how they look alike. 

"Why is everyone staring at us?" Stevie asked, still acting nonchalant. 

"Don't you see it?" Silver said, her English accent evident as she talked in a kind voice like she always does.

"See what"

"The resemblance between us?" 

"Resemblance between you and me?" Stevie laughed, smirking at the girl, just like her father does. 

"Um, let me see, turn sideways so I can see better." She said mischievously.

"Well, your hair is straight and dirty blonde, mine is curly and light... don't worry you could always dye it," she said making Silver grown at her rudeness. "Your eyes are much closer together than mine, oh! and your nose, oh my god, totally much bigger... don't worry dear, those things could be fixed," Stevie said chuckling at how the girl was looking at her. The Australian accent was much noticeable than before. 

"Want me to deck her for you, Silv?" Emma, one of Silver's friends asked her with her fists held ready for a fight. 

"Hold on, I'm not finished yet," said Stevie looking at Emma. "Wanna know the real difference between us?" She asked turning to face a very annoyed Silver. 

"Oh, let me see!... I know how to fence and you don't, or... I have class and you don't, take your pick." Silver retorted in a dignified manner. 

"Ugh, I'm going to..." she said while taking a step towards Silver. 

"Ladies, its time to break up this little fest!" Mildred stood between both girls holding her arms out to prevent an incoming fight, trying to tell them off but realizing the girls were really alike.



As you have read this chapter was exactly like in the movie, I'm changing a few things as the story goes on adapting this to Luke and you know, 5SOS so keep reading! 

vote if you like this! 

thank you!


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