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The next morning, Eleanor was paying for the James's short stay and Poppy was beside her looking at her phone. She and Calum exchanged numbers last night after they almost kiss, he was stunned by Poppy's beauty and he couldn't lose her again. Of course, both knew about their friends' conversation and how it went. Poppy was concerned that her friend would be heartbroken again, after all, Eleanor told him everything and Luke is still marrying some bitch in less than two weeks. It's not like he could have done something anyway.

"I'm done here, have you seen Silver?" Eleanor asked Poppy who was still lost in her thoughts.

"I just texted her, she's on her way down." She said.

Luke, who joined them at the front desk, smiled at the girls and looked into Eleanor's eyes.

"Okay, so I'll uh... send Stevie back to you over Christmas," he said with his mood down. He didn't want them to leave, he didn't want to lose her again.

"And I'll see that Silver spends Easter with you." Eleanor nodded and put on a smile, despite the crestfallen looks fo the other adults with them.

The elevator dinged, and Luke and Eleanor looked on as the twins approached, both wearing the same jumpers, one in light pink and the other in grey, with denim shorts and white converse. Their hair was done the exact same way, as Silver curled her hair the same as her sister's, impossible to tell them apart.

"Silver, what are you doing in those clothes, we've got a plane to catch sweetie, you're going to freeze when we land in London," Eleanor said with a small, amused smile and raised an eyebrow at her daughter's outfit

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"Silver, what are you doing in those clothes, we've got a plane to catch sweetie, you're going to freeze when we land in London," Eleanor said with a small, amused smile and raised an eyebrow at her daughter's outfit.

"Here's the deal mum. Stevie and I thought it over and decided we wanted to stay together a little longer " she said smirking at her parents.

"Dad promised that we're gonna go on a camping trip, and we wanna go... together," Stevie added also smirking the same way as her sister.

"What camping trip?" Luke frowned at them.

"The one we go every summer before school starts and you go back to work" Stevie answered as it was very obvious.

"Silver, this is ridiculous. Go on and put your clothes on." Eleanor said sternly but the two girls stubbornly stood their ground, making Calum and Poppy burst into laughs.

"Oh my god... I love these girls." Calum said, still laughing and stopped when Eleanor shoot a deadly stare at him.

"Are you sure I'm Silver?"

"Of course I'm sure," Eleanor exclaimed, clearly irritated at how she didn't know who her own daughter was.

"But it's kinda hard to be one hundred percent positive, isn't it?"

"Girls, this is not funny. You're going to make them miss their flight." Luke joined in with his own stern voice and both twins smiled at each other.

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