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"I don't even know why you bother, Nanami-chan. They're obviously never going to send you out into the battlefields."

Nanami ignored the side comments of her cousins as she stood with her feet planted firmly on the earth, brow furrowed with frustration as she struggled to produce a single clone of herself. Dusk was slowly starting to fall, but she didn't care. All that mattered to her was getting this clone right; otherwise, she wouldn't allow herself to go home. She had been training at the Uchiha clan's training grounds ever since the last squadron of Uchiha children announced to be sent to the battlefields had been announced, and her name hadn't been on the list.

"If I were you, Nanami-chan, I'd honestly just give it a rest," said one of her many cousins, Daichi, as he leaned disinterestedly against a tree a fair distance away from the young girl with a few other cousins. All of them had been scripted to be sent to the battlefields first thing tomorrow morning, and that was a fact they made sure that Nanami was aware of.

"Do you honestly think they'll let you onto the battlefields, Nanami?" sneered one of the older girls, Satomi. She was only a few years older than Nanami, but she reeked of superiority, and that was something Nanami couldn't deny. After failing to produce a clone for the umpteenth time, Nanami's posture relaxed as she glanced over her shoulder at her cousins, her dark eyes gleaming with perseverance. She straightened herself up and turned to face her cousins, who were all smirking at her predicament.

"Yes, I do," Nanami said, giving Satomi the most determined look she could muster. "One day, I will go out to fight for our clan. And when that day comes, I will return home. You'll see. You'll all see!"

Satomi, Daichi, and the four other cousins present all burst into laughter at Nanami, some shaking their heads, others slapping their thighs. For a bunch of kids from the ages of seven to ten, the Uchiha children were matured far beyond their years.

"Right, because you'll definitely survive," Satomi said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Nanami. The young girl flushed, and she felt her anger beginning to build up against her discouraging cousins. "If your parents couldn't survive, then you definitely won't be able to. Did you ever stop to think about that?"

My... parents.

Full on rage boiled within Nanami, and as she lashed out to attack Satomi, a figure abruptly lodged itself in her path, an arm outstretched before her. Nanami and the others gaped when they saw who it was.

"Izuna-kun? What are you doing here?" None other than Uchiha Izuna himself stood in Nanami's defence, glaring at their cousins.

"Shouldn't you lot be getting ready? We leave first thing tomorrow morning!" he snapped, shooting them all volatile looks. They all grimaced, and began to move, albeit slowly. Satomi took up the lead, making sure to herd her younger cousins together, exerting her authority.

"Sorry, Izuna-nii..."


Daichi pushed himself away from the tree, smirking, as Satomi glared at Nanami once more before rounding up the others and walking away.

"As to you, Izuna," he smirked, before nodding at the two and taking his leave. Nanami, who had had tears of fury brimming in her eyes, huffed as she wiped them away with the back of her hand, glaring at the backs of her retreating clansmen. She jumped when she felt a hand lay on her shoulder, and looked up to see Izuna staring carefully down at her.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly, his eyes warm and caring. Nanami rubbed her eyes once more, before nodding with a soft "yeah." Izuna smiled, and ruffled the top of her head, grinning as she yelped in annoyance.

"Izuna-nii!" she whined, pushing him away and readjusting her long, dark hair back into its respective ponytail. He merely chuckled.

Nanami felt awkward- this was the first time any of her relatives had said things that weren't mean or degrading to her, and she didn't quite know how to handle his kindness. So she backed away from him, and putting both her hands flat on her thighs, bowed deeply to him, showing her utmost respect.

"Th-thank you, Izuna-nii!" she exclaimed, her silky hair beginning to fan out and cover her face. He chuckled again.

"Don't worry about it, Nanami-chan," he said. Nanami straightened up, and looked at him with a serious look on her face. She really didn't know how to react, and was trying to act in the most polite manner she knew of. Izuna outstretched his hand to Nanami, tilting his head slightly as he smiled at her.

"Would you like to be my friend?" It was as if Satomi herself had slapped Nanami right across the face. Here was Izuna, one of the clan's prodigies, asking to be her friend. How was she to react?

"But you're leaving t-tomorrow!" retorted Nanami, paling as she looked down at Izuna's hand. Night had fallen, and now the only thing allowing Nanami to see was the light of the moon, which illuminated their entire environment.

"I promise I'll come back," said Izuna softly. He indicated the dark haired female to take his hand. "Friends?"

Hesitantly, Nanami reached out and grasped Izuna's hand with her own. It was warm and soft, just like his personality. The two shook, and Izuna's grin broadened as he ruffled Nanami's hair once more.

"Don't you worry, Nanami-chan! I'll be back, you'll see!"

Izuna and the other children left the next day.

He, and his older brother Madara, were the only ones who didn't return home in caskets.

End of Prologue [by Kushina]

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