The Day We Meant Ayden

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Manipulation

"You sure you're ready for this?" I asked Damion. We were both sitting in his car which was parked in the parking lot of a place called South East Mental Hospital. It took us forever to get here, not to mention, Damion was shaking the whole time. The other day, he got a call from an unknown number. After answering it, he almost fainted. His ex wanted to see him.

So 100 miles, five Mountain Dew bottles, and the entire Green Day album collection later, here we were. "No! I'm not ready for this! Ayden hasn't seen me in almost two years. And now! At thos point in my life, he wants to see me again!" He huffed, pounding his hands on the steering wheel.

"Hey hey, easy. It'll be fine. You've changed, and I'm sure he has too." I tried to assure him. There was a muffled sob followed by tears running down his face.

"I know. But you have to understand, Virgil, I broke him. I brought him here! The highest acclaimed mental ward in the east! I did this to him! Not Patton, not Logan, not either of the Princes! ME!" He screamed. I started shaking, my face growing pale. Damion saw this, instantly shrinking back. He grabbed the wheel and turned the ignition. "Forget this, he doesn't need to see me."

"N-No!" I shouted, launching myself forward. I grabbed the key, yanking it out of its place. The car shut down, leaving Damion with a shocked expression. "You m-may not see just how mu-much you've changed, but I h-have." I stuttered. He blushed, combing his hair back. "He deserves to see the new you."

Damion finally agreed, parking the car again. We left the car, making our way towards the entrance. The sky was gray and dark, almost as if Mother Nature understood the weight of the situation. I opened the door for Damion before following after him.

This place looked exactly like SJMH. The dark colored walls with random door dotted around. There was a check-in up front, a friendly looking woman sitting behind the counter. A screen of plexiglass surrounded her desk. It made me wonder how many people had attacked her to the point where they had to at it.

She smiled at us as we approached, "Welcome to our facilities!" She chimed. "What can I do for you?"

"We're here to see, Ayden Ester." Damion told her. He was still trembling, sweat pouring in buckets down his face. I grabbed his free hand, trying to help him calm down.

"Are you Damion King?" She questioned, looking back at her computer.


"Who is that?" She asked, suddenly pointing to me.

"A friend." Damion simply responded. She nodded, giving me a suspicious eye.

"Follow me." She lead us down a hall. My skin started to crawl. We were walking past the doors that housed patients. I was starting to be thankful I only had to go to SJMH. Some of the rooms were open, I could see the patients staring me down with wide eyes and smiles. I was so uncomfortable. I already didn't like attention, but this was too much.

I felt tears come to my eyes. Damion tightened his grip on me. I had to stay strong. This was about Damion, not me.

She stopped in front of a room that looked a lot like Isolation. Tiny rooms, glass looking inside, a chair and table. Damion quietly put his hand on the glass, tears sparking in his eyes. In the room, a small boy in a straight jacket. He had a very pale complexion, dark eye bags and raggedy dark blonde hair. He was deathly skinny which was slightly hidden by his jacket. He was having an intense starring contest with the floor. "Damion can go in, you cannot." She told me. "However, you'll be able to hear them from out here. It's a one way mirror." She explained.

I nodded, watching her take Damion into the room. As soon as the door opened, Ayden's head shot up. "Dee?" The young boy questioned. Damion took a second, shutting his eyes and taking a breath. I could tell he was mentally struggling. Yelling at himself for ever hurting this boy.

"Hi, Ayden." Damion hummed, taking a seat across from him. I looked back over at Ayden. I could see a mix of relief, submission, and fear in his dead green irises. "How've you been?" Damion asked.

"N-Not great." He stuttered. "I think about you everyday. All the things you said to me. All the painful truths and harsh realities."

"No, Ayden, please." Damion pleaded, reaching out his hand to which Ayden flinched. His hand recoiled, pain fluttering in his eyes. "All those things I said, none of them were true. You aren't any of those things I called you. Okay? You're not worthless or horrible. You are your own person."

"B-But you always said, I belonged to you. I c-couldn't do anything without your permission. I-I don't eat without your permission, I don't sleep, I don't do anything 'cause you're not here to tell me!" Ayden cried. All words were taken from me. I knew Damion did something awful to this kid but I didn't realize how bad it was. His mind was truly broken.

"Please." Damion choked, trying to shove down his liquid emotions. "Don't think like that anymore. No human should own anyone. I never should've talked to you like that. I wish I had known better but I didn't I wish I could take those things back, but I can't. I just didn't want you to leave me. I told you all of those things so you wouldn't leave." Damion started crying harder. "Now look at you."

"I don't understand, Dee." Ayden sighed, letting heavy tears splash down his face.

"Why did you want me here?!" Damion suddenly yelled, white knuckling his hair.

"Because, I need you, Dee. I don't know what to do without you!" He screamed.

"No! It's because of me, you don't even know who you are anymore!" Damion huffed and puffed, trying and failing to take a deep breath. His face was tired and stressed, he didn't want to be here anymore. Ayden was just reminding of him of who he hated being.

"I wanted to see you because I missed you." Ayden whispered.

"I know you don't, Ayden. You don't have to say it anymore. But please...just know that I'm sorry. And, you deserve better. So much better." Damion sighed, pushing himself up off of his seat and heading to the door. I could tell he was mentally drained.

"I forgive you." He suddenly mumbled. Damion stopped, his head skyrocketing upwards and turning back to him.


"I-I understand. I-I mean, I see that you've changed. You aren't the person I used to know. I can tell." He gave Damion a smile, making him softly blush. "Who's on the other side of the mirror?" He suddenly asked. Heat rushed to my face, had I really been that obvious?

"M-My friend...Virgil. Someone who's taught me a lot." He said, smiling at me. Ayden started at the mirror, nodding to me. I gave a small wave, not entirely sure if he could really see me. "Take care, Ayden." Damion exited, smiling to his ex.

"See ya, Dee." Damion walked out of the room, beads of sweat floating down his brow.

"You okay?" I pondered, touching his shoulder in comfort. He took his hand and grabbed my own, rubbing the top with his thumb. He gazed into my eyes with teary eyes.

"Thank you for just...being you." He hummed. I smiled, guiding him outside and to the car.


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