The Day Remus Got Caught I

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Panic Attack

I sat directly in Roman's lap as I came over with mug of coffee. It was mid Saturday afternoon, and I just woke up. I probably could've gotten up sooner, but scrolling aimlessly through Tumblr all night long is like a lullaby to me. Roman kissed my cheek before beginning to rub my back. "Morning, Love."

"Hm." I replied, sipping my hot beverage.

"Sweet dreams?" He questioned, wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Visions of Gerard Way all night long." I laughed, encouraging Roman to laugh along with me. "Where are the others?"

"Patton and Logan are in their room. Damion had a class today and I think Remus went to batting cages." He told me. I nodded, leaning into him more. Roman latched onto the remote and changed the channel, flashing it onto the Food Network. I probably never would've considered watching the Food Network before, but KC got me hooked.

As we watched people chow down on burgers half their size, Roman's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing it was from an unknown number. It had our area code on it though. Odd. "What the hell." Roman sighed, placing me off of him so he could take the call.

I don't know if Roman knows he does this, but whenever he answers the phone, he paces. I'm not entirely sure why. Logan thinks it's something psychological. It's how he answered the phone when the police department called to tell him his parents died. It's probably stress related, but I don't ask.

"What?" He suddenly exclaimed. It made me jump, spilling a blob of coffee on my jeans. "Okay....okay, just calm down." He told the person. Now I stood up, putting my cup in the sink before meeting him by his side. He stopped in front of me, worry written all over his face. "I don't care what you have to do! Just still be there in ten minutes!" With that, he hung up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, watching his rush past me and down the hall. He grabbed Logan's car key from off the key ring and threw them at me.

"Start the car." He instructed. Despite that, however, I didn't move. He pounded on Logan and Patton's door. "Logan, you gotta drive me to James Plaza! It's Remus!" He said. Logan and Patton opened the door, looking at him before glancing at me.

"What's going on?" Patton questioned.

"No time. Logan, please." He begged. Logan pushed past the two of them, taking his keys from me.

"Let's go." We filed out of the house and crammed into Logan's car. We hardly had our seat belts on before Logan pulled out of the driveway. "Do you want to tell us why we're all certainly high tailing it to James Plaza now, Roman?" Logan said, giving him a side eye from the mirror.

"Remus called me from a payphone. He said, cops stopped him at the side of the road and are threatening to take him down to the station." He told out.

"What!? What did he do?" Patton panicked, looking at him from the passenger seat.

"I don't know, he just told me to get to him. Fast!" I could tell how panicky Roman was. I knew he was worried that the police could see Remus' mental health record and send him to another mental ward. I took Roman's hand, making him slightly jump. He was deep in his own head. His deep green eyes were wet with fear. I felt bad I couldn't do anything for him.

Logan pulled us into the Plaza's parking lot. Our heads became glued to the windows, keeping out eyes open for a cop car or Remus. "Over there!" Patton yelled, pointing to a building off to the far right. Sure enough, there was Remus, pressed against the back of the cop car. He had a very unamused look on his face while the cop shuffled around for his hand cuffs.

"Hurry, Logan." Roman begged.

"I'm going as fast as I can. The last thing I want is to be arrested too." Logan argued, pulling into a space a few away from the cop. Roman immediately hopped out of the car, taking a fresh look at the scene.

"Remus!" He called out to his brother. The other Prince brother turned his head, relief written all over his face. The rest of us filed out of the car, following Roman over to the two. "What happened here?"

"We have a key witness claiming this man is the number one suspect of a homicide." The cop explained.

"What?!" Both Remus and Roman screamed in surprise.

"I did no such thing!" Remus said, trying to break free from the cop's grasp.

"You have the right to remain silent!" The cop answered back, slamming his face further into the car's backside.

"Stop, please! Can't I speak to him in private?!" Roman begged, walking up to face the cop. The cop sighed, letting go of Remus' wrists. Roman grabbed onto his brother, giving him a hug. Remus returned it, subtly shaking from his fear. "What happened?" Roman lightly asked.

"Nothing, I swear! I was just in the batting cages when that asshole came up to me with his badge and asked to speak with me!" Remus protested, pointing to the cop. "He asked me where I've been for the past hour. I told him I was here but he pinned me to car. At least he let me call you. Otherwise who knows where I'd be." Remus finished.

"It's okay, Remus. You're not going anywhere." Roman whispered to him, making sure his brother was calm. He turned back over to the cop, steam practically puffing out of his ears.

"Perhaps we could view the evidence that 'proves' Remus is your killer?" Logan suggested. The officer nodded, pulling out some pictures from his car. He displayed them on the back of his car. We loomed over them, taking a good look at the photos.

I looked from the prints to Remus. I had to admit, it looked an awful lot like Remus. He had the same shape mustache, same eye color, he even had the small birth mark Remus had right above his right eyebrow. "'ve gotten an identical twin roaming around this town, Remus." Patton joked, trying to lighten the mood.

It must've clicked for Remus, cause his face suddenly paled. His shaking grew worse, starting to back up. He kept shaking his head, not even flinching when he tripped over the sidewalk and fell back on it. We all rushed over to him, trying to comfort him. Roman sat next to him, grabbing his arm, "What is it?"

"Roman...that's our grandfather."

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