The Day We Were 1

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Trigger Warnings: Death, Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Illness, Mentions of Fire

I sit here, reading the entires of my friends as I lay in a hospital bed. I shut the cover to Patton and Logan's book, tears flooding my eyes. How could this be the case? How am I the only one left?

Roman passed away three years ago. It was natural causes, but that doesn't make anything easier. But why did Patton and Damion write to me with their final breaths? Patton and Logan died due to carbon monoxide poisoning in their house. It was so sad to get that news. After everything they both did for the world, for us. They didn't deserve this.

Damion obviously passed from his cancer. And Remus...we were kind of right? Not that that's a good thing. Eloise did keep him alive. But after Roman passed, that's what put the bullet in his brain.

But, here I remain. 97 years old with a life support machine keeping me alive.

Mother and KC died about 40 years ago. They were at a dinner party when the house caught fire. They never found their bodies, but they never returned home either. That was an awful day. A fucking awful day.

The life support's plug was in my hand. I was trying to gather the strength to pull it, but I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time after that. So, I wanted to think of the good memories now.

Roman and I got married in 2048. That was a magical day. We both wore suits and had our wedding at a beautiful castle that was apparently haunted. Of course, we didn't learn that until after the wedding. I always swore there was a white glare in our photos. Roman didn't believe it. But it was there.

We never adopted kids. I was too scared of them. I know Roman felt bad about that, but he respected my wishes. I've sold many Pulitzer prize-winning books. Hell, I got a large check in the mail the other day for my book about SJMH. I don't know what to do with it. Probably just donate it to this hospital.

I tugged the cord a little harder, the machine wavered a little.

The rest of life was pretty good. Patton and Damion never really talked about all the dinner dates we all had or the video calls. Fuck, I miss the shit out of them. How did this happen? How was I left the only one alive? To be honest, I never thought I make it past 12. Yet, here I breathe.

Another tug, the machine screamed. Nurses will be coming soon. Just one more tug.

I'm tired of being all alone. I'm tired of people trying to save my life. I've lived a good life. I'm happy with everything I've done and who I am.

I'm happy I married Roman. I'm happy I wrote books. I'm happy I lived this long. But every day has become pain and misery. I wanted to be miserable with my family.

I tugged again, the cord falling out of the wall and laying limply in my hand. I smiled, shutting my eyes, "I'm coming, Roman."

May their tombstones read:

Virgil Black King (2004-2101) - "This is how I disappear"

Roman King (2003 - 2096) - "I love him"

Patton Croft (2003 - 2078) - "The people who love you will prove it. Trust me, kiddo"

Logan Croft (2001 - 2078) - "Not sure where I'm going, but I'll get there someday"

Damion King (2002 - 2051) - "Fuck this shit, I'm out"

Remus King - (2002 - 2097) - "I need my family too much, I can't bare it"

Sinthia Black (1974 - 2061) - "Go to the moon, my son"

KC Kelly Black (1972 - 2061) - "Family isn't what you're born with, it's who you make it"

That is how they spend their last days.

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