The Day We Lost Him II

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Trigger Warnings: Panic Attack, Fainting, Scratching, Mentions of Eating Disorders and Depression

"Patton?" Logan mumbled, rubbing his thumb over his love's knuckles. Patton's eyes were slowly coming into focus. He looked at all of us and our faces. I could slowly see his brain trying to reboot and process his pain. He finally turned to Logan.

A sharp breath left him. He pulled his hand away from Logan's. Everyone gasped, watching Patton observe his own hand as if it had been poisoned. "W-Where am I?" He asked, looking around. He began to panic, moving his neck around so much that he clutched his teeth with an oncoming headache.

"Hey, hey! Patton's it's okay!" Logan comforted, trying to not let his tone turn panicky.

"How do you know me? Why are you here? I don't know you!" He shouted at Logan.

"Y-You don't know me?" Logan clarified, standing from his chair. Patton shook his head, tears free-falling down his cheeks. Logan started breathing harshly, his body swaying oddly. Roman had a split second to react as the man fainted, falling sideways for Roman to catch him just in time.

Patton screamed in horror, trying to squirm out from the bedsheets on top of him. Damion and I ran over to Patton, trying our best to help him calm down. "Stop! Get away!" He yelled, pushing on Damion's chest. When he found that pushing Damion away wasn't working, he sat in the middle of his bed, knees drawn to his chest.

"Patton, I know this is a lot to take in, but you have to calm down. We just want to talk with you. That's all," Remus spoke lowly, a feat I didn't know he could do.

"I want my parents." He mumbled. I could see his nails trace up and down his arms after he said that. It was written all over his face. He didn't want his parents, but they were the only things he knew.

Roman shuffled Logan onto the empty bed next to Patton's. He made sure the sleeping man was okay before coming back over to us. "Patton, can you tell us what you remember?" Damion whispered.

"I-I don't know what I remember. My mom and..and my dad. And...all the pain and blood and...and the car." He shoved his head back between his knees. We all looked at each other in confusion.

"Patton never said anything about a car before," Roman muttered, scratching the back of his head.

"Maybe that's not what he's referring to?" Remus suggested. "Maybe he remembers the accident just...not us."

"But that hardly makes sense!" Damion blurted.

"It doesn't have to,"  A groggy voice replied. We all looked over, watching Logan struggle to sit up. The Prince's both went over to help him. Each of them looped their arm under Logan's to stabilize him as they brought him over to Patton. "Memory is odd. It forgets strange things. Sometimes its little things that don't matter. Other times it's family."

"But why is he forgetting everything after his parents sent him to the mental hospital?" I asked.

"I was in a mental hospital?" Patton popped in, snatching our attention again. "Mom and Dad found out?"

"Found out about what?" Roman questioned.

"My eating thoughts." He trailed off again, sniffling back some tears. Logan got down on his knees, rubbing a hand on Patton's back.

"I know things are hard right now. I know that your scared and nothing makes a whole lot of sense right now, but I need you to remember, Patton," Logan said. The poor boy looked up with sparkling eyes. Logan reached out his hand to me. I took it, going down on my knees as well.

"This is Virgil. He was the last to join our friend group. He cares so much about you, Patton." He then turned to Damion, "That is Damion. He was a great friend to you. It may have taken the rest of us a little time to get to know him and trust him, but you never gave up! That is Remus and Roman. They are brothers that you treated like they were your own two sons. They love you Patton and they're here for you.

"And I'm, Logan. Your boyfriend. I know you don't remember me right now but, you're still just as beautiful as the day we first met. You helped me through so much at SJMH. I taught you that everything your parents did to you wasn't personal. That you are an amazing man. And you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I...I love you, Patton." When Logan finished, he was in tears. We all were. I turned to Patton. I could tell he was trying to understand.

"Do you remember any of that?" I asked him.

"I-I'm gay?" He muttered. Logan broke down, wrapping his arms around him. The room was filled with his broken sobs. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Roman grabbed my hand, letting me sink into his shoulder so the others wouldn't see me cry too.

Damion helped Logan to his feet as we all made our way to the door. We were defeated. We had lost. We had lost Patton. He didn't know us. Any of us. Why did it have to be this way?

"Logie?" Patton called out shyly. Logan's head perked up. We all turned around, still seeing Patton with his knees up to his chest. He was looking at us. No, he was looking at Logan.

He walked over to him, grabbing Patton's hands and looking into his tearful eyes. "Yes, Patton?"

"I love you too." Logan's face lit up as Patton sprang up and sealed their lips together. Roman and I exchanged hopeful looks as the two pulled apart. Logan was breathless, but Patton was smiling.

" know me?"

"I do. I-I know all of you." We all burst into happy tears. Running back over to Patton's bed, we trapped him a giant hug. Patton wiped his tears as we pulled apart. "I'm so sorry that took so long."

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. We're just happy that you remembered all together!" Logan gushed, pulling Patton in for another kiss.

"Now that you can remember, what actually happened?" Remus asked.

"Well, I went for a walk cause it was so nice out. I started hearing a horn blaring and when I turned around, a car was coming directly for me. I don't remember much after that. Just the paramedics trying to wake me up but...nothing after that."

"I'm so sorry that had to happen." Logan apologized.

"It wasn't your fault."

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