The Day They Tried to Rekindle III

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of Relapse, Mentions of Self Harm

I began to stir sometime later. My head felt like a brick while the rest of my body felt like jelly. As feeling started to flow back to me, I noticed my head wasn't against the wall anymore. Rather, it was laying on something soft and warm. It was like a hug for my head. Suddenly, the hug felt like an earthquake as whoever it was started to shake me. "Come on, Virgil! Wake up!" I heard.

The voice was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was like a mix of something I recognized, and something I didn't. My eyes slowly came apart, trying to focus like the lens of a camera. Above me was Logan. He seemed slightly better. Definitely more aware of what was going on now.

The dried blood on my face cracked as I winced in pain. Logan reached into his pocket. He took out some pain medicine and handed me a few. "Those will...h-help," He slurred.

"Why do you have these?" I groaned, sitting up with his help.

"They help with hangovers," Logan answered. The only thing around to wash it down with was alcohol, so I took my chances and dry swallowed them. "I c-called Roman wi-with your phone a while ago. So, t-they'll be here soon," He slurred. Logan leaned against the wall next to me, hugging his knees. He was in a staring contest with his cut-up arm. "I fucked up, Virge," Logan finally spoke.

"I know," I muttered. He seemed shocked by that answer. I chuckled, figuring I should explain a little bit. "Dr. Picani always told me that admitting your pains and wrongdoings helps. I'm glad you understand what you did."

"I do," He mumbled beginning to cry. I removed his glasses from his face and slid them into my pocket. "It's all one big blur, Virgil. I mean, I ran out of the house. I went to that gas station and took everything I could carry. Then I crashed in that alleyway and then...nothing! Just becoming conscious again with you passed out." He said, starting to sob.

"I mean, what is Patton going to say? He'll hate me! I fucking relapsed! I promised him I'd never fucking relapse; I'm a goddamn liar!" He continued to panic. I grabbed his hand, getting him to look at me.

"I get that you feel bad! But you have to understand, Patton loves you. We all love you. He won't hate you because of this! I don't hate you because of this!"

"I just wanted to forget about my parents. I just wanted to drink myself to death to see if that would help in the slightest. It only made things worse." He sniffled. "Please, don't send me back."

"What?" He didn't have time to answer. He faced the opening of the alleyway, perking up a little bit. I turned my head to see everyone standing there. Damion and Remus were hand in hand, looking absolutely relived. Roman had a happy smile, glad I was okay. And then there was Patton. He had his hands over his mouth and tears puddling down his face.

"Come here, baby!" Logan cried. Patton didn't have to be told twice. He ran into Logan's arms, smothering him with kisses. Roman also ran over to me, kneeling down and stroking my cheek. I smiled at him, trying to prove that I was okay when I'm sure I looked like a mess. "Please don't send me back!" Logan mumbled again. "I don't want to go back to SMJH!"

"Oh, Logie!" Patton cooed, kissing his cheek. The others surveyed the area. It must've looked worse than I thought as the others almost cried just by looking at it.

"I don't want to go back to SJMH. Y-You won't be there! They won't be there! I don't want to be by myself again!" Logan cried. Patton stroked his hair, trying to calm him.

"It's okay, Logan. Remember what we said the other day? We are not leaving each other's side. Remember that." Patton kissed his head, rocking the boy in his arms. "You feel bad," Patton softly sang, "It's okay. Everybody gets sad, even dads who have people to care for. And therefore, you don't have to hide your pain. Life without rainy days is incomplete."

Logan lifted his head, looking Patton in his sparkling brown eyes. The two kissed, Logan obviously having calmed down. "Thank you, Patton. You too, Virgil." He mumbled. Damion kneeled in front of Logan with the medical stuff he brought just in case. With Remus as his assistant, they bandaged up Logan's arm.

I felt awful that he felt he had to resort to this. I wish I was here sooner to help him. I wish we never let him leave the house; let alone have him out there for an hour. What would've happened if we didn't? That I might never know. What I know now, is the tired smile on Logan's face says it all. He held Patton's hand comfortably, watching Damion swirl around his arm with the gauze.

"Perhaps, there is a way to give this a happier ending," Logan mumbled suddenly. Patton looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm...not an only child. I have a sister. She's way older than I. But she lives somewhere in New York. Maybe we could do a little digging and find her number?" Logan suggested. Patton's face lit up, obviously loving the idea.

"Logan, that sounds like a fabulous idea," Roman agreed. "If you give us a few days, we can find your sister's number in no time."

"Surely, I can help," Logan tried to say but I lifted my hand to stop him.

"You need mental rest. Meaning, no college work or anything similar for a few days. Just Patton cuddles for a while," I told him.

"Plus, Roman's pretty good at digging for information. That's how most of you found out about my lying issues anyway," Damion remarked, sending a glare at the prince. Logan smiled, leaning into Patton's neck. The other boy smiled, cuddling him nicely.

"I could get used to this." He laughed. With that, Roman carried me out to Damion's car while Remus and Patton took both of Logan's arms and helped him walk there. I hadn't realized that it was night now. It looked to be about 9:00. We started searching for him at 3:00. I was out longer than I thought.

We sat in silence all the way home. Remus was trying to fix up my face while I held tightly to Roman's hand. Once we pulled into our driveway, I felt things were finally starting to get better.

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