The Day Remus Got Caught III

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Abuse

"What?" Remus choked, his face morphing into shock. My skin turned to ice as I completely froze in shock. Roman sprung up from his position on the couch. He turned to see his brother's pale face. Roman began to shake in worry, leaning over and grabbing onto me for support. I wanted to punch their grandfather. Why couldn't he just leave my family alone.

"You really thought you could avoid me? Remus, I'M YOUR GRANDFATHER! YOU ARE ME! YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE ME!" He shrieked into the phone.

"Why do you have Damion's phone?" Remus grumbled, grabbing onto his pant leg to avoid hitting someone out of anger.

"You mean your little boyfriend? I've got him right here. He's safe, for the time being." Argus lowly grumbled, laughing a tiny bit.

"What the fuck have you done to Damion!" Remus yelled, rocketing out of his seat.

"I never said I did anything to him." His grandfather chuckled. "But if you want to ensure his safety, meet me at the college. And bring Roman too. I want to see my boys again." With that, the other line went dead.

Remus took the phone away from his ear, staring off into space with anger and fear scribbled in his eyes. "Remus?" Patton questioned, waving a hand in front of his face. Nothing. "R-Remus?" He tried again.

"That fucker." Remus muttered under his breath so barely anyone could hear him.

"What?" Patton pushed. Remus' nose flared, his anger increasing by the second.

"THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled, launching his fist directly into the wall behind him. Instantly, the wall crumbled under his strength, a clear hole into Logan and Patton's room being formed as he removed his fist. "Come on, we've got to save, Damion! Who knows what kind of trouble he's in!" Remus cried, panic dripping off his words.

"Remus, calm down. We'll get him back, don't worry." Logan assured him, fishing his car keys back out of his pocket. Patton, Logan, and Remus gathered somethings before heading out. I was about to stand up and grab my jacket when an intense force brought me back down.

Roman's hand was locked in mine. Nervous beads of sweat were falling down his face. "V-Virgil." He swallowed, trying to keep his voice clear. "I-I don't want to-to go. I-I don't want you to g-get h-hurt." He cried into my hand. My brow lowered. He was so scared, I wish I could help him.

I lifted Roman's face to mine, placing a gentle kiss upon his lips. "It'll be okay. You understand? I'll be okay, Damion will be okay, Remus will be okay. Everything will be okay. We have each other, okay? Nobody is doing this alone." He nodded, letting me help him off the couch.

We ran out the door, grabbing my jacket on the way out before hopping back into Logan's car and zooming off towards the college. "Do you know what part of the college I should head towards?" Logan inquired.

"No...just park somewhere and we can find him on foot." Said Remus. Logan followed his directions, continuing the short drive to the college.

We arrived quickly, something tells me Logan was speed a little due to Remus' constant babbling about how he hopes Damion is okay. We all hope that. I got out of the car, the cold night air striking my nose. Crickets were chirping in the field while owls were taunting us from the skies.

Logan locked the car, starting our quest to find Damion. I brought my phone out for a flashlight, guiding us as we headed towards the science buildings. Not only did it not help that we didn't know where we were going, but many of the over head lights were burnt out as well.

We continued ahead, pushing into the English department. They were two brick building with tall windows and doors. But that's not what caught my attention. This is where Damion's class was today. He'd have to be around here somewhere. Then we heard it.

"Well, well, well. You've brought you're whole gang with you." Came a deep and menacing voice. We all turned around, gasping at the sight before us. There stood Argus Prince with Damion in his arms. Damion had blood running down half his face and was completely unconscious in his captor's arms.

"Let him go!" Remus screamed, his breath being visible in the night's air. Argus shrugged, letting Damion fall harshly onto the ground, a grunt coming from his mouth.

"My oh my. How much you and your brother have grown!" Argus gawked, getting a good look at his long last family members. Remus stepped in front of Roman and I, trying to be the bigger man however harshly his hand was trembling.

"Just shut up, okay? We're here for Damion, not your sick idea of a family reunion!" Remus screamed at him.

"I thought that's how you might react to my return. So, I'll raise the stakes a little bit." With that, Argus pulled a gun from his back pocket. Yeah He twirled it along his fingers before sticking it in Damion's face. "Roman and Remus; you're both coming with me, unless you want your boyfriend to eat a bullet." He threatened.

We all took a step back, fear running quickly through our blood. Remus huffed, his face going red. "You fucking freak! I can't believe you'd do this to your own family!" He spat, trying to stop himself from crying. Argus chuckled, his gaze shifting to Roman.

"You've haven't talked much. Come on, aren't you happy to see your old grandpa?" Argus smirked.

"You've scarred me beyond belief. I'd never consider you my grandfather." Roman argued. The Prince's smirk shifted downwards into a deadly frown.

"I see how it is. Fine then, we'll up the ante." Argus rose his arm, the gun pointing at my head. My face went white as Roman hugged me closer. Argus was clever. He understood his threats scared Remus, but he's yet to scare Roman. He was playing to his grandson's fears.

"Ugh...what's going on?" Damion suddenly grumbled. Argus' attention snapped down.

"Shut up, boy!" He hissed, smashing his foot onto of Damion's head, sending him back to sleep. That set Remus off. He charged at his grandfather, tackling him to the ground. Roman and Logan ran off to help him. Patton and I stayed back, watching the chaos unfold.

Remus landed a few hard punches in Argus' face while Logan and Roman tried to hold him down. Key word: try. His legs swung up, kicking both Roman and Logan in the chin. He smacked his gun against Remus' head, sending him back. Roman then sprang up, landing on top of his grandfather. I flinched every time Roman got hit, but I noticed Roman wasn't fighting back. He was trying to get the gun away from Argus.

That plan eventually worked, sending the metal weapon flying towards Remus. Roman hopped off his grandfather while Remus pointed the gun at his grandfather's head. Argus froze. "Not used to being on this side of the gun, are you?" Remus smirked. Police sirens could be heard from the surrounding streets. I guess we were being noisier than I thought.

Officers pulled up and hauled Argus Prince in the back of their cars. He shouted some choice words as he was thrown into the car, but Roman and Remus seemed to care less. The police also sent an ambulance for Damion. We crowded around him, finally getting a good look at him.

It was obvious now that Argus jumped him and beat him unconscious. After his pounded his foot onto his head, we could see the bottom of Argus' shoe imprinted on Damion's face. That made my blood boil.

Right before the medics pulled up, Damion stirred again. He groaned, forcing his eyes open. "W-What's going on? R-Remus?" Damion called out, grabbing at his boyfriend. Remus took his hand, giving it a kiss.

"Don't worry, love you're going to okay."

By the time we got to the hospital, it was nearly midnight. Damion was given something to numb the wound right below his hair line so they could stitch him up as soon as they got him into a room. We weren't allowed to follow Damion while he was getting stitched up, which we understood.

I started being thankful that KC and Mother went on a business trip together. I wouldn't hear the end of it if either of them found out what happened tonight. Logan helped Remus fill out his boyfriends' paperwork.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Roman was shaking me. I let out a groggy yawn, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I turned to see that Damion was all stitched up, currently engulfed in a hug from Remus. He had bandages running all the way down his right side. He smiled at me, giving me a slight wave. I returned his cheerfulness. Thankful that this entire mess was behind us now.

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