The Day We Moved

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Family Abuse

Roman and I packed up our final boxes inside the room the used to be my own. Scanning the empty room one last time, I couldn't help but feel sad about leaving it. It treated me well and was the one thing I looked forward to after moving on from SJMH.

My boyfriend wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my hands in his, leaning more into him. This will always be the place we had sex for the first time. This will always be the place I slept with him. This will always be the place Mother and I had a fresh start in. The start of a new family, complete with two loving parents and five amazing people. "Almost ready to go, Vee?" Roman purred into my ear.

"I guess so. Just...getting a lot of old memories shoved in my face at once right now," I admitted. Roman hummed, kissing my cheek softly.

"Bad ones?"

"Yes...but good ones too," I told him. His hands let go of mine. Walking into the room, he took the final box in his arms. "I think more than anything, I'm ready for a fresh start in a new house."

"Agreed!" Patton chimed in from behind us. He was carrying two small boxes, Logan right behind him. "As much as this house has been a savior to all of us, change is always good!" He smiled. I snickered a little. We followed them outside. Patton and Roman crammed the last three boxes into Logan's car before slamming the trunk shut.

"Are we good to go?" KC called out from the moving van they rented. I looked back at Roman, nodding in confirmation. Damion and Remus walked out of the house, proudly shutting the door as they left. "Alright then. Pile in and we'll head out!"

Remus and Damion got into Logan's car while Roman and I hopped into KC's minivan. Roman agreed to drive it while KC drove the moving truck. It was a good experience for Roman since he's so close to getting his license. "Ready?" He asked me, turning the ignition.

"Hell yes!" I laughed. We locked hands as he pulled out of the driveway. We followed Logan and KC down the road and onto the highway. We were moving out of town. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this change so much, but Mother assures me that this will make things a lot easier. The new house is closer to town, meaning the commute to school, work, and shopping areas would take less gas.

"Have you ever moved before?" Roman asked, trying to pass the time.

"When I was a lot younger, we moved to that house. It was something Father insisted we do. At the time, I thought not much of it. But after he died, Mother told me he wanted us to move so Mother's family couldn't take her and me away from Father." Thinking back on it now made me tear up a little.

I've been thinking more and more about Father ever since Mother showed me his stuff. I've read through his journal. Mother was right. After their wedding is when he started to decline. I don't know. It's just confusing; seeing him as this monster for all my life, only to learn he attacked the way he did out of fear.

"Try not to think about it, Vee. I know that's easier said than done, but you're strong. Your father has nothing on you anymore," Roman promised. I nodded, tilting my head to watch the hillsides we were passing. As I did, Roman plugged my phone to the stereo, playing some music to calm me down. That's what I love about Roman. He always knows what to do when I'm stressed or anxious.

The hour went by in no time at all. Before I knew it, our new house was staring me in the face. It had white paint up its walls, a cute blue roof sitting atop it. The grass in front was well-taken care of, while the wildflowers were a splash of color.

KC and Mother got out of the moving van. We all followed Mother up to the house while KC started to unload. None of us had seen the house before. This was something Mother and KC were trying to keep secret until they were certain everything was actually going to happen.

"Ready, kiddos?" Mother teased. We all nodded, watching her push the door open. All thoughts escaped me upon seeing the beautiful interior. A big open kitchen and living room combo, a small dining room off to the side.

We all filed inside, getting a feel for the new place. The plush living room carpet hugged my worn shoes. I could almost see our furniture sitting inside here. It was beautiful. Much cleaner than the old place.

Roman and I wandered down the hallway where all our bedrooms would be. KC and Mother's was on the other side of the house, so we had our own little section. There were three bedrooms and a very spacious bathroom.

Aimlessly, I went into one of the rooms. Inside it, one of the walls was purple while the opposite wall was a dark red. It was a nice room. A nice closet with a bay window seat. I could almost see myself sitting there and writing while the day passes by around me. Roman came up behind me, chuckling when he saw the colors of the walls.

"Guess this is our room," He assumed.

"Yeah. I like it!" Roman agreed, holding my hand. Patton and Logan's room was across from ours, Damion and Remus' being adjacent. We started planning the arrangement of our bed, desk, and dresser.

Soon enough, Mother walked in. Roman took a hint, walking out of the room to start unloading boxes. "Do you like it, Virgil?" She asked, nervously biting her lip.

"I love it, Mother. I think we both needed this." I told her. She pulled me into a hug, playing with my bushy hair.

"I think you're right. The other place was just a haven for bad memories. This home represents the new Black family." She cheered. She gave me one last kiss on the cheek. "Welcome home, Virgil."

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