The Day He Went to Surgery

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Trigger Warnings: Needles

I nervously clutched Roman's hand while we silently drove in the back of KC's minivan. It was still dark outside. It was only about 4:30 in the morning, but we had to get up early. I was super tired. My head kept bobbing up and down, but holding Roman's hand kept me awake.

Patton and Logan were in the seats in front of us. The two boyfriends failed to stay awake as Patton's head was balanced on Logan's shoulder while Logan's head was a top Patton's. It brought a smile to face. I glad they decided to come and keep me company for a while.

Damion and Remus however, agreed to meet us later. They aren't morning people. But then again, neither am I, but here I am.

KC pulled into the hospital parking lot. As we passed over a speed bump, Roman groaned in subtle pain. I could see KC's eye shift in the mirror. "Sorry, buddy." They said. Roman waved his hand, signaling it was alright. Patton's head rolled off his boyfriends' shoulder, causing him to wake up. Once he realized where he was, he shook Logan awake as well.

KC parked, turning off the car. They looked back at us, letting out a sigh. "You ready, Roman?" They asked.

"I mean, as I'll ever be, I guess." He weakly chuckled. For the last couple weeks, Roman had been having extreme stomach pain. It was only until he got a scan that we learned his appendix was ready to burst.

Patton and Logan helped lower down the seats so I could assist Roman out of the car. He was holding an ice pack to his stomach, trying to stop the throbbing pain. I wish I could help him more, but I know by doing this, I'm doing all I can.

Once out of the car, a nurse met us outside. She wore clean scrubs, along with a jacket loosely thrown off to protect her from the cold. She smiled at our family, "Good morning!" She cheerfully giggled. "I assume you're Roman Prince?" She asked, looking at Roman. He nodded, taking a seat in the wheel chair.

We followed her as she wheeled him inside. I always hated hospitals. SJMH was different. They didn't do surgeries. Sure, they had needles and things in case of emergency, but they never actually cut anyone open or anything.

"How much will this hurt?" Roman asked the nurse.

"You won't feel a thing. Just some mild discomfort." She assured him. Guided into a room, I helped Roman out of the chair. The nurse went over to a nearby closet, grabbing a small plastic with a minty green suit inside it. "Put this on. Once you do, take a seat in the bed and I'll be with you shortly."

With that, Patton, Logan, and KC took a seat. I was about to join them when Roman grabbed my arm. "Can you help me change?" My face brightened up a tomato red. Of course, I agreed, knowing he needed the help. I drew the curtain around the bed, blocking Roman and I from view.

With delicate hands, I removed his sweat pants and hoodie. From there, I tied his hospital gown around his body, while he kicked off his boxers. I hoisted him up into his bed, cursing myself for causing him pain every time he groaned. I'm sorry, Ro." I said.

"It's nothing you can control." He told me. I weakly smiled, removing the curtain. Logan and Patton were playing on their phones.

"Alright, is everyone set?" KC asked, standing up. "I gotta take Sinthia to the airport for work, so I'll see you guys later. Good luck, Roman!" With that, they left. As soon as the door closed, the nurse popped back in.

"Ready?" Roman nodded, not braving to look at the IV needle the nurse put in his arm. "I'll be back in an hour. You'll start to get a little sleepy, but that's normal. Just think about, in less than 3 hours, you'll pain will be gone." The nurse cheered. She left us alone after that, only sounds of dripping fluids filling the room.

"How you feeling, kiddo?" Patton finally asked.

"Really nervous actually." Roman admitted, anxiously rubbing his arm. I sat on his bed with him, wanting to comfort him. Patton and Logan walked over, joining our little circle. "When Remus and I were younger, I had my tonsils removed. The doctor was horrible and scary, but it was all our foster parent could afford. I know Sinthia and KC got a really good surgeon but, it doesn't take it all away."

"It's okay, Roman. But we'll be right here, waiting for you the entire time." Logan sighed. Roman grabbed my hand, running his finger along my knuckles.

"Will you go with me? You know, when they put me under?" Roman asked.

"Aren't you a little old for that?" I joked, getting a light chuckle from my boyfriend. "Of course I will." Patton and Logan kept entertaining him while I chimed in a few times. Slowly but surely, Roman kept wilting on my shoulders, his eyes falling.

The nurse came back in, giving me a special suit I had to wear for when I went into the anesthesia room. Suiting up, we said our goodbyes to Logan and Patton as I followed Roman's bed to a room with a hazmat sign on it.

The doctors greeted my boyfriend, assuring his worries, telling him he was in good hands. Roman never let go of me. Suddenly, a memory came to me. The day after Damion hurt me. When I was kept in SJMH medical wing. The night I had my night terror.

Roman was with me throughout that. His smile never fading. Even when the nurses agreed I had to be knocked out, he never stopped smiling. Never stopped assuring me that everything would be okay.

"Ready, Mr. Prince?" The doctor asked. Roman just sighed, nodding along.

"I love you, Roman." I told him.

"I love you too." He weakly mumbled. The doctor placed the mask over his face. Roman's grip began slipping on my hand. I kept rubbing his knuckles, letting him know I was still here. He shut his eyes, falling into the medically induced doze.

A different nurse escorted me back to his room. I removed the special suit, placing it on the desk next to where Roman's bed was. Patton and Logan perked up when I entered the room. "How'd it go?" Patton asked.

"He'll be okay." I said. "I know it."

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