The Day We Lost Him I

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Car Accident, Panic Attack

"How far away are you?!" Logan yelled at me through the phone. I flinched at his tone, having trouble holding the phone up to my ear anymore.

"W-W-We're tr-trying, Lo." I was able to spit out. The truth was, we were trying. Roman was currently driving me to the hospital. As much as we wanted to speed to get there, Roman still only had his permit. It does not look good on your record to speed with a learner's permit.

"Trying isn't good enough. We all need to be here for when he wakes up!" Logan shouted again. I coughed back a sob, really not handling being yelled at well. Roman must've seen how distraught I was getting as he took the phone from my hands.

"We're going as fast as we can, Logan! We get there when we get there!" Roman then hung up and threw the phone into the backseat. I leaned back in my seat, putting my hand on my forehead while I tried not to cry. "It's okay, baby. You know he's just stressed."

"I know....I-I-I kn-know." We silently drove the rest of the way to the hospital. We still didn't even know what had happened. All we knew was Patton was there. And he was hurt. Possibly badly.

We finally made it, pulling in and taking a spot near the entrance. I was going to get out when Roman locked the doors. A mild bolt of panic shot through me. But when I turned to Roman, he had sadness in his eyes.

"You doing okay?" Were the first words out of his mouth.

"Ye-Yeah. J-J-Just anxi-xious, you k-know?" I gave him a sad excuse of a smile. He took my hands, placing a kiss on top of them.

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"O-Of co-co-course." I kissed Roman's cheek, flushing red as we pulled apart. We both got out of the car. The daunting energy coming from the hospital making my bones shake. Roman guided me inside. Once inside the lobby, Damion and Remus came running up to us.

"Thank god you guys arrived when you did!" Remus pleaded, hugging his brother. Damion hugged me too, seeing the tear tracks down my face. I'm thinking that since this incident happened, we've released how fast we could lose each other.

Not that we're losing Patton.

"Logan's been going nuts. We decided to leave him alone for a while and wait out here for you guys," Damion explained.

"Well, lead the way!" Roman announced. We followed the couple down the hall. Many nurses and doctors passing us on the way. When we saw a doctor come out of a room with blood on his gloves, I could feel my face go pale.

Of course, that room was the one Patton was in. Remus and Damion stopped in front of it, turning around to confront us. "As we said before, Logan is super...emotional right now. So, don't take it too personally if he yells at you or something," Remus began.

"And also, Logan doesn't know exactly what happened yet. The doctors haven't told him anything yet and he's getting a little antsy," Damion added. "So just, don't aggravate him. For your own good."

With that thought in mind, we all walked inside the room. The sight before me was heartbreaking. Patton was laying in a hospital bed, his head was tenderly wrapped in bandages that were slowly tinting red. His eyes were closed, bruises up and down his arms. He was hooked up to an IV, a heart monitor, and a blood bag. That's what made me the most nervous.

Then there was Logan. He was sitting in a chair next to Patton, loosely holding his hand. Logan's glasses were off from him crying so much and his clothes were super disheveled. He looked up at us, anger crossing his eyes. "Where were you!?" He snapped. Patton's face contorted slightly at the tone of his voice. Logan immediately stopped and held his hand tighter.

"I'm sorry. I...I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay, Lo. We get it. This is Patton we're talking about. He means everything to you," Roman comforted. He walked over to Logan, putting his hand on his shoulder and gripping it tightly. "But he's gonna be okay. Patton is strong. You know that. We all do."

"You're right," Logan mumbled, giving Roman a nod. Suddenly the doctor came back in, clipboard in hand.

"Okay, so I know it's been a long couple of hours with little explanation on Mr. Small's case. But I thank you all for your patience," She started before flipping a page on her clipboard. "From what we gathered, Mr. Smalls was walking on the sidewalk on a small street before someone accidentally hit him with their car. He has trauma to his right leg and both arms. They were mainly riddled with cuts while his leg his sprained, but otherwise those are fine."

"Then why isn't he awake?" Logan cried, getting emotional again.

"Well, that's the issue," The doctor sighed. "He had major trauma to his head. The first responders found him unresponsive but breathing. We are unsure as to when he'll wake up but when he does, don't be surprised if his memory is damaged." We all gasped.

"M-M-Memory?" I repeated in horror.

"Unfortunately so. Once again, I'm sorry for making you wait." She left the room, thick energy left behind.

"His memories? W-What does she mean? That's so vague! That could mean long term or short term! Before or after a major life event! W-What if he's forgotten us!?" Logan began to panic. I went into action.

I squatted down next to him, placing my hand on his. He gave me a weird look as if he didn't recognize me at first. "I know your mind is reeling right now but please, don't think those vulgar thoughts. Think positively, Logan. All the dates you've been on. All the times at SJMH. You saved his life!" I reminded him. "You didn't give up on Patton, and Patton isn't giving up on you!"

Logan nodded in agreement. I could see the pain deep in his eyes. I reached up and gave him a hug. Followed by the others joining in. Logan released another sob, trying to keep it together.

As we pulled apart, I could tell that he was feeling better. "Thank you, Virgil." He said. I nodded in return.

A tired moan turned our heads turn to Patton. Slowly, his eye lids parted.

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