The Day Damion and Remus Wrote In

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Trigger Warnings: Illness, Mentions of Suicide, Death

(9/17/28) Dear, Virgil...

Uh, hey, I guess. I found this notebook you gave us. Not...not that I lost it just...put it aside for a while. I mean, we've been seeing each other so much anyway, I hardly need to write in this anymore. I'm sure Patton's probably already got me beat with the number of entries in this thing.

Either way, you'll mainly hearing from me. Remus doesn't like writing like you do. Frankly, I'm not sure how you've written so much. It's exhausting!

But yeah. Uh, big news. As you know, Remus and I got married a few weeks ago. We're happier than we've ever been. And that's really saying something. Thank you for being my groom's men. It means a lot since...since, without you, I probably wouldn't have been getting married to Remus. I probably would've just killed myself after getting out of SJMH.

Wow, way to lighten the mood, Damion. Anyway, I'll try to write in this more. Maybe.


(4/8/32) Dear, Virgil...I guess.

I can't believe it's been about 12 years since we all moved out of Sinthia and KC's place, huh? Life has changed a lot since then hasn't it? We mean...I know we see each other about once a month. Patton can't handle being away from us that long and Remus and Roman need to see each other every now and then.

But, that's not the only reason I decided to write to you. I wanted to thank you for coming to our wedding. I know that was about 5 years ago but, it still means a lot. You saw the size of my wedding. Just, you, Roman, Patton, Logan, Sinthia, KC, and my brothers. I know Remus wanted an over the top wedding but we don't have a lot of people for that, do we?

That's why we have to stick together. The world is changing, Virgil. I thought I was ready for it but, it turns out, I can't be prepared for what I can't see coming. But, anyway. That's all I wanted. Just to thank you.


(12/29/34) Dear,'s me.

Anyway, I wanted to be honest with you here. We're all in our thirties and forties right now and I've been hiding things from you. I know, just like I did back at the hospital. But I promise I blame none of this on you. You'd have no way of knowing about this anyway.

So, brace yourself. Remus and I went to the gynecologist last and...I can't believe it but, I'm 2 months pregnant. Like, actually having a child that will come out of my body in the next seven months! How nuts is that! And to think, I was scheduled for a bottom surgery soon. I guess that'll have to wait, huh?

Remus is really hoping it's a girl but I kind of want a son. Whatever it is, we're going to love it. But, we've have been thinking a lot about baby names. If it's a boy, we're thinking Graham. If it's a girl, we're thinking Eloise. It's a family name. But, we're both super excited and hope you and Roman can make it to the baby shower.
(1/4/35) Dear, Virgil...

That's not the only secret I've been keeping. You're gonna hate me for this but, every piece of good news comes with some bad, right? I just have to psych myself up enough to write it.


I'm also developing signs of breast cancer. I-I know it's hard to hear., I guess. But, the doctors aren't sure yet! Which is why I'm trying to stay positive. If I make it, our baby is sure to survive. But if the signs start to increase they'll surely die.

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