The Day We Learned: It Wasn't Over

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Trigger Warnings: Hitting, Sensory Overload

We were just getting settled into our new house. We finally settled on the arrangement of the furniture in the living room and in our room. After changing it a countless amount of times, I think KC and Mother were very excited about finally getting it somewhere that we liked it.

I was in the kitchen, making myself some microwavable mac and cheese for lunch. Searching for a spoon, I could hear Roman, Remus, and Damion playing videogames in the living room. I chuckled to myself, listening in to their conversation. I was glad that the others were adjusting well to this new house. We've been in it for about a month. I was super proud of them.

Once I found a spoon, I went over to the microwave and removed my mac and cheese. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a car pulled up in the driveway from the kitchen window. The more I tried to ignore it, the more my anxiety spiked.

Roman must've noticed I wasn't being myself. He put down his videogame controller, coming over to comfort me. "Something wrong, Vee?" He asked, grabbing my hand and making me set down my spoon.

"There's just...some car outside. It caught me off guard, that's all." I told him. Roman grew a concerned look on his face. At this point, the others were looking at us from the living room. Roman peered out the window, squinting at the people.

"They're cop cars," Roman pointed out. Sure enough, he was right. Remus turned to Damion, holding each other's hands tightly. Patton got up from the couch, going over to the door.

"Should we really be opening it?" I asked, grabbing onto Roman's arm.

"It's the police, Virgil! We should be respectful." Before anyone else could say anything else, Patton opened the door to the two officers on our porch.

"Good afternoon, sir," The one said, "Is this the household that Logan Croft lives?" Patton's cheery expression hit the floor. My heart started to pound harshly. With everything going on with the new house, I almost forgot about Logan's relapse. But I doubt the cops were here because they were concerned about Logan's relapse.

"That's me," Logan shouted out, going over to pull Patton's slightly shaking body away from the door.

"Well, sir, we've been told you've been reported as a shoplifter of alcohol. Not to mention, illegal possession of alcohol. I'm afraid we're going to have to take you down to the station." Patton looked over at Logan. His eyes were swimming with the concern of what to do. Roman and I came closer.

"C-Can I at least explain myself! I know there's not a lot I can do to explain the shoplifting, but I'm not the only guilty person here!" Logan pleaded.

"Sir, you have the right to remain silent," The second cop said. Logan became speechless, deciding if he was really getting arrested, it was better if he heeded the officer's advice. The cops turned him around and tried to put handcuffs on him.

"Hang on! You can't do this! At least let him explain himself; he's telling the truth!" Patton argued. The poor boy made a mistake of grabbing Logan's arm and pulling him away from the officers. Logan stumbled back into the house, a surprised expression dawning his face.

"Sir! Do not interfere with this arrest!" The cop yelled. He entered the house, pushing Patton to the ground to get to the acclaimed criminal.

"HEY! Leave him out of this!" Logan shouted. He ran over to Patton, trying to help him up. The cop must've taken it as a threat, as before I could process, the cop punched Logan across the face. This knocked Logan's glasses off his face. As Logan recoiled and stood straight up again, the cop pulled out his can of pepper spray and applied it directly in the student's face.

"FUCK!" Logan shouted, shutting his eyes as the burn started to set in. He went to touch his face but stopped himself. At this point, Mother and KC came out from their room. They both became overwhelmed with shock as they watched Damion help Patton to his feet while Logan was in the midst of having sensory overload.

"What is going on out here?" KC defended. The cop looked at both of my parents.

"Your son is under arrest for illegal alcohol possession and shoplifting," The cop told them.

"Perhaps we can talk about this outside?" KC suggested. I've never seen KC so angry like this. They were fuming. It kind of made me blush. I was almost honored that KC considered us their own children. Mother, KC, and the two cops went outside to discuss.

Logan was on his knees on the ground. We all ran over to him, not entirely sure what to do. Patton helped him to his feet and walked him over to the sink. I understood what he was doing. To try and help, I turned on the tap and set it to cold. We let Logan run his face under the water for a couple of minutes. He seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"It's okay, Logie. You're doing so well," Patton cooed, rubbing circles around his back.

"It...hurts so fucking much," He moaned, sticking his face back under the water.

"Remus, get the milk, that should help!" Roman instructed his brother.

"What the hell is that going to do?" Damion questioned.

"Milk is a cooling agent. It has an effect on capsaicin, which is the main burning factor in pepper spray!" Remus explained. He came over to the sink, opening the bottle and pouring it over Logan's red face.

"How do you know that?" I dared to ask. Both brothers looked at each other, solemn looks overcoming them.

"A foster home..." Roman simply put. Enough was said.

Logan stuck his face out of the sink. Patton handed him some paper towels for him to dab his face with. Eventually, KC and Mother came back inside the house. KC marched straight to their room, obviously still angry. Mother looked at us and back to KC. I gave her a look, telling her to go calm them down. She nodded, going off to do just that.

"You doing okay, Lo?" Roman asked after a while. Logan opened his eyes. They were bloodshot and teary from the pepper spray.

"I-I think so," He said. Remus handed his glasses back to him. He slipped them onto his face, getting a taste of the world again. "That was awful!"

"I'm so sorry, Logie. I wish that never happened." Patton said, kissing his neck.

"You're not the only one the wishes that," KC chimed in, coming out from their room with Mother at their side. "Good news, they're going after your parents, Logan. They might take a statement from you and Gwen, so maybe get in touch with her about that." They said.

"Other than that, I think your name is cleared," Mother said. Logan smiled as we all celebrated.

"Thanks, Sinthia. You too, KC. It means a lot." The two seemed happy to help their adopted son. Logan's pain seemed to subside over time. After many movies, his pain got less and less to the point he could sleep through it. So, as Mother and KC went to bed, the rest of us spent the night in the living room with our sleeping friend.

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