Untitled Part 1

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Chloe's POV:

I finished putting Brooke's hair in pigtails and I placed a pink hairband on her head and let out a breath of relief.

"Okay Brooke go into the sitting room and Wai for mummy, Don't get your clothes dirty, okay?" I asked, still kneeling down to her height

"Otay mammy, Me watch Tv" she said, its so cute they way she talks.

"Good girl" I kissed her forehead and she ran away giggling.

I stood up straight and walked into my room. I needed to get changed, I have to take Brooke to to the Doctors and then we have to go shopping.

Oh sorry, I'm Chloe Ritchie, I'm 19 and have a daughter called Brooke Tomlinson, yes I know what your thinking "Tomlinson. That's Louis name from One Direction." Well yes he is and he is also my ex boyfriend and my daughter's daddy. Lets not go I to details....I was 15 he was 19, Once I found out I was pregnant I went to go and tell him, I walked into his room and saw ex best friend and him naked in his bed, so yeah. We broke up, I got depressed, self harmed and my parents kicked me out so now here I am. A single 19 year old mother.

Anyway.. I got changed into white skinny jeans, American flag tank top, blue flats and sunglasses. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail after straightening it and left my wings (bangs) down. I brushed my teeth washed my face and applied my make up which consists of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and lip-gloss.

I sprayed myself with perfume and ran down stairs and into the sitting room and saw Brooke sitting on the floor playing with 2 barbies and a teddy bear.

"C'mon Brookie babe" I said walking to the front door.

"Otay mammy, teddy come too" she asked, I nodded and she came running to the door.

I had her dressed in a white jumper that had 'Diva' written in black on it with black leggings and little Ugg boots.

I strapped her into her car seat and took off down the road. 'Live while we're young' came on the radio, I sighed but kept it on because Brooke loves their music and guess what...Louis is her favourite.

I pulled up outside the Doctor and jumped out of the car, I lifted Brooke out and locked the car and waited in the waiting room.

"mammy, what dey gonna do to me" Brooke asks hugging me.

"Just give you a check up, baby. Nothing to worry about" I said kissing her forehead. She just nodded and then her name was called. We walked ito the room and a young man was sitting on a fancy chair in front of a big desk and computer.

"Hello, Miss Ritchie, Hiya Brooke" the man said

"Hewo" Brooke said, I giggled at her then looked back up at the doctor.

"So we are gonna do a check up. So can you say..Ahhhhhh" The man said pulling out a lollipop stick.

After the examination was over I had t talk to the doctor.

"So Miss Ritchie, Brooke is a very healthy young girl. I'm really surprised" he said

"yeah and what are you trying to say" I snapped

"Oh nothing personal, its just most single young mothers don't have their children in as good as condition as you." I nodded and they he said that's all so I left.

"Shopie time" Brooke squealed.

I nodded putting her in the car and then getting in myself. We drove down to the shopping centre and then after 10 minuets of trying to find a parking space I got parked and made my way with Brooke into a random store.

"mammy, we get teeties" she asked I nodded and said

"We have to get you new clothes first and some groceries"

We walked down the aisle hand until Brooke started to squeal and ran away from me down the aisle.

"BROOKE" I shouted. I ran down the aisle after her and found her hugging some curly guy's leg

"Brooke, come over here now" I said sternly. She didn't listen so I pulled her off him then I heard something I haven't in 3 years. Harry Styles' chuckle.

"Harry?" I asked he looked at me and then smiled

"Chloe?" He asked

"Yeah! Omg i haven't see you in 3 years" He pulled me into a hug and mumbled an 'I missed you'

"Sorry bout Brooke." I said lifting her up.

"It's fine, is she your niece or something" he asked

I frowned and replied "Um no she's mine" i looked at the ground and heard Harry slightly gasp.

"buts she's like 2 or 3. That means you were only 15 and with Lou...oh my god" Harry said catching on.

"Yeah" I mumbled

"So she's Louis'" she asked, I just nodded

"Um what's your address, I'll call over later and we can catch up then" he said I took a pen out of my bag and wrote my address on his hand.

"Thanks" she said kissing my cheek and running out the door.


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