1'Hello NJ!

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I sat down on the stairs

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I sat down on the stairs.

"Hello?", I said

"Hello y/n. I have to tell you something.", Riley's mom said.

*You: "What is going on? Where is Riley? She should be here like 10 minutes ago!"*

*Rileys Mom: "I know. I have to tell you that Riley will not come. She has bad marks in school. I'm not allowing her to move out. She should concentrate herself to get good marks. She will call you soon when she pass her exams. Bye!"*

You were shooked.

*You thought: "What- what was that? She didn't even let me say anything! And why didn't Riley told me she couldn't come? Agh, what should I do now?"*

You started to cry and look at the house that was in the middle of street you live now. You wiped your tears.
Then you saw a tall boy with black hair and a pretty women, who could be his mom. You just stare at them.
They were about to go in their house, but the boy noticed you. He said something to his mom and started to walk towards you. When he was infront of you, you looked up to his face...

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now