7' The first showing♡

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I woke up next morning. It's 8AM and I am surprised, because I was sleeping for 15 hours. I looked at my left side and saw Mattia sleeping there. I saw how cute he is when he sleeps. I remembered that he waited for me last night. I felt bad for him.
I stood up on the bed and slowly walked up to him.
He is sleeping on his back. I sat down slowly on him and kissed him on the cheek. He woke up and rubbed his eyes.
He looked at me and smirked.

"Good morning you dinosaur."

He held me and climbed over me. He was on top of me now. He smirked.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!"

I smiled at him.

"I wanna kiss you so bad"

"Then do it."

I saw him looking at my lips. Then I looked at his throat and saw that his chain was hanging. I found it really attractive and I blushed. He noticed that. He kissed me on my lips really gently. I felt someting in my stomach. I wanted to get funny so I just grabbed his hoodie and let him think that I wanted to make out with him. He smirked. Little did he know.
Then I just pulled him away and ran downstairs. I could hear him laugh.

"You are gonna come upstairs by yourself y/n."

I heard some noises upstairs and wanted to know what Mattia is doing, so I walk slowly to the stairs and looked up. Then, Mattia came out of the room. He was shirtless.
My jaw dropped and he laughed.

"See? I said that you will come by yourself."

"What did you do in my room? I heard noises."

"I tried to take my shirt off. The hole is a little bit small, so I just fell on the ground"

I laughed and smiled at him. I went upstairs and he grabbed me from behind and we hugged. He kissed my neck until I turned around and grabbed his cheeks with my hands. He put his hands around my waist and I just kissed him on his cheek. He smiled, grabbed and brought me to the bed. I was sitting on the bed and he was standing in front of me.

"Can I choose your outfit for today?"

"Yes, but don't let it look like a clown."

"Would you really wear it without changing anything?"


He smiled and went to my closet. After a couple minutes he brought me this look:

 After a couple minutes he brought me this look:

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"You woul look like a baddie in this."

"So you like baddies?"

"No, but if it's you, then yes. It would look so good on you."

"I bought these 3 days ago. I am gonna change in the bathroom."

He looked at me and when I went to the bathroom he went in too.

"I want to be with you here while you change, I won't look at you."

I blushed and I was nervous, because I thought that he wouldn't like my body if he would see me. Until today none of the boys I am friends with or dated, saw my body, because I'm always wearing baggy clothes. I took my sweater and sweatpants off. I was in my underwear. They are black. I saw him on the phone and he weren't looking at me.



He looked up to me and his jaw dropped. His phone slipped out of his hands and fell to the ground. I blushed and looked like this '😳'.
He stood up and came closer. I was feeling that thing in my stomach one more time. Love. He pulled me closer and put his hands around my waist. I didn't know what to do with my arms, so I just put them around his neck. He leaned on to say something in my ear.

"Your body is perfect. I had an imagination of your body, but seeing it is way better."

Then he looked back at me up and down and bit on his lip.
I blushed and thought of how fast things were going on. He let me free and grabbed his phone.

"I am going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Get dressed and come downstairs mia cara moglie."
(mia cara moglie = my dear wife)

(Editor: Sorry, if the translation isn't correct, I'm not italian)

I smiled and he went downstairs. I dressed up and went downstairs too...

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now