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"Do you want me to walk up to you?!"
"Never", I shouted.

I have no men around me. I somehow have to protect myself. I looked around myself quickly.

1. Where am I? Near home.
2. How many streets are an escape way? Mhmm... two streets.
3. What's this street called?
It's Kampgasse 59.
4. Are people around me? No.

I heard a voice behind me. Lucas.

"Y/n are you in trouble?", he said and went in front of me like he wanted to protect me

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"Y/n are you in trouble?", he said and went in front of me like he wanted to protect me.

I somehow have to give these informations to the police.

"This street, Kampgasse 59, this is my street okay?!", I shouted.

I heard the police talking to the phone.

"I think you're trying to tell us information abot what is happening.
Continue. I sent a group of policemen."

"You think I am alone?"
"You're so wrong."
"Even tho you see nobody, there are so many people around us right now, you can't even imagine."

"There is nobody around you. Got it!"
"But describe the man", officer said.

"Look behind"

I saw a couple more persons with black suits.

"Lucas", I said nervously.

"If you don't want me to kill your father"
"Come here and let me take you somewhere, where nobody can distract us", he shouted.

It was a man.

"You think you look serious with your black suit? This is funny as hell."

He removed his mask.

"Seriously? A 40 years old man trying to kidnap me. Wow. I'm so surprised.", I said.

Silence. Like for two minutes. The heck we gonna do now?

In that moment, the police was to hear.
'Fuck' was the only thing I heard before the cops were here.

'Fuck' was the only thing I heard before the cops were here

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Lucas and I safely got out of this situation. Thankfully.
They asked us a couple questions and drove me home. Lucas got drove home too.
My mom and dad also talked to the officers.

It's clear. They're the 'enemy' company of the company my dad works for. Ugh.

"Dad, do you remember when I told you that a man tried to get in my house?"
"In jersey"

"Ahh yes."
"You told me that Mattia and his father helped you"

"But I didn't know who it was, until now"
"I mean, I still don't know who it is but I have an idea.."
"Yea, it could be the enemy company but"
"I know that you have some jealous work mates because you got the job request"
"So, they are an option too"
"And don't forget"
"I think they all are going for me to threat you."


We talked like for a looong while.
It was almost 2AM. So I went to my room. I started screen recording and sat down to call Mattia.

"Yes gorgeous?"

"I almost got kidnapped"

I think his heart dropped.


"Yea but I'm good now"


"Why? See, I'm sitting here on my bed"
"I almost got kidnapped Mattia. Almost"

"I don't care"

"You don't make sense right now"

"Shut up"
"I panicked for a couple seconds"

"I was like in the middle of a street and my friend came, he tried to protect me"


"Yea. My friend Lucas."

"Your ex?"

"Yes but we're just friends, remember?"

"I don't trust him tho"
"He still could fuck you"

"Stop it."
"He has a girlfriend."
"I'm so tired, I wanna sleep"

"Yea, go to sleep"
"Even tho this is serious, you going to sleep"

"Bitch chill your balls"
"I'm tired, the fuck?"
"Good night Mattia"
"I love you"

"You're ending this like we having a conversation on insta and you liked my last message."
"You there?"
"Lemme guess"
"You fall asleep?"

"I love you more dumbass"

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"I love you more dumbass"

631 words.

Hey fellaaaas

How y'all doing?

I hope y'all doing well♡


Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now