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"Papa!" I cried.

I had a nightmare. I woke up sweaty and crying. I started to cry even more.
Mattia opened his eyes.

"Why are you crying?", he said with a calming voice.

"I had a nightmare", I said while I sniffed.

"Come here y/n", he said.

I layed back down, my head on his chest, his arms around me.
His fingers were going through my hair.

"Wanna tell me what you dreamed about?", he said.

"I-I saw my d-dad, he was running to me, but then a m-man pushed him a-and he fell down a cli-ff."

"Shhh, calm down"
"It was just a dream"
"Do you wanna call your dad?"
"You would feel better"

I nodded slowly.
He grabbed my phone and gave it to me. It was 4am. I texted my dad.

Y/n:Hi papa, are you sleeping?


Y/n:When are you coming to USA?

Dad:In two days

Y/n:Okay... come safely💜

Dad:I will. Also, I'm coming to New Jersey. I hope we will
see each other❤

Ok. He will be here in two days. Maybe I can see him? I hope so. I looked at Mattia and he was sleepin. I turned off my phone and cuddled with him again.
I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I was in my thoughts.

What if the man in my dream was the man that was in my house earlier?
Could it really be him? I will ask my dad if he knows this man when he is in new jersey. I don't know why this man tried to get in touch with me.

And with that I fell asleep.

Mattia's pov

I woke up at... maybe 12pm?
I looked around, Y/n was not here.
I grabbed my phone and texted her.

Mattia:Hey, where r u



I walked to the bathroom. I pissed, washed my face and head downstairs.

went to the kitchen and the scent of pancakes rushed towards my nose.

"Hmm", I said.

"Morning babe", she said.

"Morningg", I said while I hugged her from behind.

She was standing in front of the stove plate. I placed my chin on her head.

"Let's taste it and find out if you're the better cook."

"I already know the answer", she said while she turned to me.

"You're the better cook", she said with a smile.

"No you", I said.

"If you gonna argue with me, then you should know, I'm winning everytime.", she said and winked at me like '😉'.

I let go the hug and sat down.
I started to eat, y/n walked up to me, kissed me on my cheek, I smiled and she sat next to me. We ate those delicious pancakes and after that she washed the dishes. I just stared at her how she did it.

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now