38' +🚶🏻‍♂️

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July 3th 2020|Thursday|9AM

It was a beautiful day. Sun was shining and the birds were singing.
I woke up like usual.
I did some skincare and changed.

Mattia and I were taking a break from each other, that our relationship doesn't get bored. I got a message from him.

Sooo, I have time for myself today

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Sooo, I have time for myself today.
Taylor is at home, she has stuff to do.
Victoria is out with her family.
I'm pretty alone, but sometimes it's good that you have time for yourself.

I just wanna go out, get a coffee and go for a walk.

I got my stuff, got in the car and drove away. I accidentally drove longer than I should...
My way was about 15 minutes...
But I drove 45 minutes and landed nearby a park. And guess what I saw...

IHOP! I haven't ate breakfast yet, so I went eating something and get me a drink

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IHOP! I haven't ate breakfast yet, so I went eating something and get me a drink. Not alcohol of course.
I stepped in, ordered a couple things and ate them.

After that, I ordered a coffee and was just sitting there with closed eyes

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After that, I ordered a coffee and was just sitting there with closed eyes. I was thinking of my life.
How quickly things moved on, how happy I am, how happy my family is... and what will happen next...
Seriously though. What will happen-


"Oh hi", I said.

"So, I saw you and you were like in your thoughts... I didn't wanted to disturb you-", he said.

"No no. It's okay"


"What's your name?"


"Nice name. I'm Y/n"

"I like your name"
"It's sounds mysterious"

"Oh, never thought of that"

"So? Are you new? I never saw you here"

"I'm living here. Well not here but anyways... I was about to go out for a walk...but somehow landed here", I said and giggled.

"Sameeee", he said.

"Really??", I said and giggled.

I looked like 😄.

"Wanna come with me?", I asked.

"Oh, for sure. Thanks. Let me just get a coffee"


After a couple minutes, we went outside.

"That's my baby", I said and pointed on my car.

"Oh cool"
"I like blue"

"my favourite color", I said.

We smiled.

"Let's go to the park", I said.

We walked to the park entrance.
It was beautiful.
I took a picture of it that I can post it in my snapchat story.

"What's ur snap?", I asked him after I posted the picture.

"Dillanx2", he said.

"Okay I added you"

"Yup, I saw it"

We started walking...

We started walking

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410 words.
Hey fellas💕
New day, new chapter.
How's your day so far?
I hope you had and still have a good day. And I hope you enjoyed my new chapter.
Stay positive and healthy.
Drink lots of water💜
Until next time, bye👄

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now