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I woke up next to Mattia.
Like this.

He was still sleeping

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He was still sleeping. How cute🥺
I carefully took his hand away from my leg and moved out of the bed. I walked to his bathroom and did usual things. I wanted to change the pad but like I couldn't find the trash can. What should I do now? I started to look around and I couldn't find one. I just rolled it in toilet paper and put it in a plastic bag. I went out of the bathroom and put the plastic bag in my little backpack I brought with me. Then I looked at Mattia. Still sleeping. Man, I think this boy was really tired yesterday.
I head upstairs and went to the kitchen. Nobody was awake. I walked in and drank water. As I placed the glass on the table. I turned around and saw sleepy Gianluca.

"Morning y/n"

"Morning bubs"
"What are you doing so early?"

"I don't know, I just woke up"

"Come here", I said to him and walked with him to his room.

I layed down on his bed and he layed next to me. We cuddled and after a couple minutes, he fell asleep again. He was like his brother. Mattia is like that too.
Gianluca was warm. I just kissed him on his head and I stroked his hair.
He was sleeping so I wanted to go back to Mattia's room.
I tried to get out quite and closed the door. I went downstairs to Mattia's room. As I went in, I saw that Mattia isn't sleeping. It's because I didn't even saw a Mattia. Where is he?
I walked to the toilet and knocked.
No noises.
Then I went back to his bed and just layed down.
I waited for Mattia like for 10 minutes now. I'm wondering where he could be. I stood up and walked to Gianluca's room.
And look who is there.
Mattia. Lying next to his brother and cuddling with him.

"Mattia", I said quietly.


"What are you doing here"

"I'm waiting for you?"


"I didn't see you when I woke up so I searched for you. And when I was in here, I smelled your smell.
(a/n: does this even make sense? I dunno😂)
And then I decided to wait here."

"You could literally wait in your room but okay"

I walked to him and grabbed his hand.

"C'mon let's go to your room"

I pulled him all the way down to his room.
We were in his room now.

"And now?", he asked.

"Everything you want", I said.

He picked me up.

"I wanna fight but you can't", he said.

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now