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I turned around and saw Mattia.

"Heyyy", I said.

"Hey", he said smiling to me.

Elias was still looking over the street.
His hands in his pockets.



He turned around.

"Dude. You should get that girl as soon as possible because there will be others who want her", said Mattia.

"I will", Elias said.

"Now c'mon let's get in", I said.

They nodded and we went inside.
They walked straight to the living room.

"I can't see a PS4 or and Xbox anywhere", Elias said.

I walked to the TV pressed a button on the backside of the TV and an this happened.

"Secret space huh?", Mattia said

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"Secret space huh?", Mattia said.

"I have my secrets", I said winking.

They got into the closet and I went in too. I pressed another button and the closet closed again.
They walked down the stairs where my secret basement is.
That's the reason me and Riley chose this house. We stopped walking when Mattia and Elias stepped in a REALLY big room.

"Oh em gee", Elias said.

Mattia looked like this and jumped like he is a seven year old kid.

Mattia looked like this and jumped like he is a seven year old kid

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Elias placed his hands behind his neck.

"Yoo this is so sick!", Elias said.

"Holy fuck", Mattia said.

"It even has a small fridge!"

Elias opened it.

"With snacks and drinks!!"

I laughed.

(a/n: if you have an other imagination of the basement, just scroll down real quick)

(a/n: if you have an other imagination of the basement, just scroll down real quick)

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They threw themselves on the big couch.

"Wanna watch something?", I asked.

"I wanna play FIFA tho", Elias said.

"At 9"
"You forget it?", I said.

We sat down and had fun till night.
Mattia and Elias are understanding each other good. That's even better.
We played all night and it was really fun.

Sooo, Mattia's birthday is comin and I had to end this chapter really quick, next chapter in a couple days.
Stay healthy 💜🔅

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now