45' end.

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July 8th|Tuesday|10AM

I woke up a little late like always.

I checked my phone.

What? Screen recording? OHHH WAIT

I was on call with big boy last night.
Let me see what he did -

"Y/nnnn!", I heard my sister yelling.

I couldn't even answer and she stormed into my room.

"What?", I said a little annoyed.

"Get ready, we're going shoppingggg"
"But obviously, we will eat something first."

"Ugh okay, you're acting like I woke up 3 hours ago."
"I just woke up Lily."

"Come ooon, we're also going to buy some clothes for your nephew", she said and made the '🥺' look.

"Okay okay, give me al little time. I'll be downstairs after a couple minutes.", I said and smiled.

She clapped her hands and jumped.

"Okay, I'm waiting!", she said really happy.

She went out and closed the door.

I opened my gallery. The screen recording goes five hours.

Just pressed the play button and I watched.
I watches how beautiful he is, how he acts when he hears my voice, his reaction to my kidnapping story hahaha, the way he looks at me, I will never forget this face. And how he just looks and smiles at me after I fall asleep.

Then I hear 'I love you more dumbass' and my heart melts.

He just watches me sleeping...
He smiles the whole screen recording. Well almost, after thirty minutes of staring, smiling and petting the phone, he falls asleep too.

He is so cute. I kiss the screen like I would kiss Mattia and shorten the video. Now, it's goes for 40 minutes.
Should I send this to Mattia???
Heck yes. He should see how cute he is.

Anyways, I went to the bathroom, washed my face and headed down for breakfast.

Nothing much happened. I just went shopping with Lily and the day already ended.

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now