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May 16th 2020|Saturday|8:09AM

Soo, i woke up as usually and did my stuff. Me and Mattia are dating for a month and half now. I think we're doing really good.

Today is Mattia's birthday and I'm excited.
He will be out at 9 because he has to go to the mall or something like that. This gives me the chance to give his birthday gifts to his parents.

My plan is that I will pick him up while Tay, Kairi, Elias and Vic are already sitting in the car before he gets in his house. Pinto will pick up Roshaun, Alvaro and Ale. Matteo is gonna pick up the rest ones.
I think we're 13 people.
We'll drive to a restaurant, eat something and just spend time with him, while his parents will make him a birthday cake and prepare a party for him...
When Mr. and Mrs. Polibio are ready, Mrs. Polibio gonna text me. I will ask Mattia if we can hangout at his, while he thinks we forgot his birthday.
I'm sure he will say yes. You can imagine the rest...

But now I'm gonna change.

This is what I'm gonna wear

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This is what I'm gonna wear. It's cute and hot. You know what I mean?


Currently, it's 9AM. Mattia is not at home. I carried the gifts to his house and rang the door bell.
Mrs. Polibio opened.

"Oh mía! Come in, quick!"

I walked in.

"Good morning, I hope Mattia is not here", I said.

"Morning. No, he just left."

"Good. Where can I put this?", I said pointing on the bag on my arms with my eyes.

"There. Put them in the closet."


I placed them.

"Mrs Polibio?", I said.


"Is it hard to raise a boy?"

She looked lowkey surprised.

"Well... It's hard. Boys are crazier than girls. Mattia got so much in trouble... But he learned from it."

I smiled.

"And you're okay with him although he is famous?"

"Yes. He has you. He loves you so much y/n. I never saw him looking to someone like that"

The fact that his mother says that to me got me blushing.

"He would listen to you, no matter what you say. You will make him a real man."

"I'm only 16", I tried to laugh it off.

"But you act like 30", she said.

If she would know🤭.

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now