10' awkward?

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Wednesday  7:30AM

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and I could hear the birds from outside. Mattia was on a italy trip with his family for a couple days, I had my time to talk to my family and friends. I decided to call them right after I woke up.

Calling Mama❤

(Imagine you can speak german😙)


"Hi Mama!"

"Oh, y/n!!! I missed you so much my baby"

"I missed you too Mama, how are you? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, how are you?! You're the one that isn't home. Tell me how it is to be there! I can imagine that it's super cool there my baby!"

"Yeah, it is Mama. I have to tell you something Mama..."

"Yes, y/n, I'm listening."

"Mama,... I'm pregnant!"



"Y/n, how? You are just 16 and-

"Mama, Mama, I'm kidding, april fools Mama"

"Oh god, I was about to cry y/n, don't do that again!"

"Okay okay chill😂"

"But it was cute though, I thought about being a grandma yesterday, I was really excited for my grandchild y/n"

"It's not impossible Mama, I'm dating Mattia... the boy with black hair and brown eyes. Uhm, kind of dating..."

"Oh y/n, my love, I'm happy to see that you are not homesick. When did you and Mattia start to date?"

"I don't know, it was like a day after I arrived."

"Oh, I hope you did a good decision honey."

"Hope so too, where's Papa?"

"Your dad is at a job travel honey, he will be home in 20 days."

"Woah, where is he travelling?"

"To france, then to spain, then to italty, then to russia, then to egypt, then to USA and then, he will come back to germany."

"Oh, that's a lot Mama"

"I know, your dad got a really good job request."

"I hope I can talk to him later, where's Lily?"

"She's at her boyfriend."

"Damn. Did she tell you something surprising these days?"

"No, why?"

"I- uhm, I don't know, I just asked..."

"Okay, y/n, what's going on???"

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now