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After a while, someone knocked on the door.
I walked to the door. I was scared.

"Who is there?", I asked.


I opened the door and saw Mattia.
He was looking at me with a smile on his face. I could tell he is happy, which makes me happy too.

"Come in", I said

We went to the living room and he sat down. I wa snext to him. My face was facing his face.

"I missed you", I said

He smirked at me. I widened my eyes and asked myself what's going on.

"I missed you too", he said.

He grabbed my face and kissed me on my lips. I was feeling butterflies.(iykyk)
He let go and looked me in the eyes.

"Do you-uhm, want to uhm you know..", he said.

"What?", I asked playing dumb.

"Y/n, you know what I mean", he said.

"No, really, tell me what you want", I said.

"I want you rn y/n, but if you want to", he said.

I was ready but I am a teen. I remember what my mom ones told me. I changed my mind. I don't want it.

"I'm sorry Mattia, I-"

"It's ok, y/n, I'll wait until you are ready", he said.

"Thank you", I said smiling at him.

I felt bad because I knew how much he wanted this. But, I can't just do it. I don't want to regret it. I want to wait until I'm really ready.
I looked at him. He was looking at the table. I put my hand on his cheek and he looked at me. I leaned in, looking at his lips, he was questioning what's going on.
I kissed him, like really.
I was moving to him but he grabbed my hips, making me sit on him. He cupped my face in his hands while I did the same and our lips started moving in sync. Slowly and passionately.
It was so hot... I couldn't stop.
God I love this boy.
After a minute of make out, I let go and I looked at him. His eyes were still closed, his had was leaning against the couch.

"Holy shit y/n"
"That was so good"

I just giggled because now I was a little bit embarrassed what I did.

"We should do that often"


"What now?", he asked.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"No, I wanna spend time with you y/n, I missed you, I missed your smell, I missed your laugh and your smile, how you talk, how you care about me, your niceness and your cuteness."

I swear I was to tear up.

"Ich liebe dich", I said.

"What?", he asked.

"It means I love you in german", I replied.

"I love you too y/n", he said.

I couldn't resist. A tear rolled down my cheek. And Mattia wiped it away.

Mattia's pov

I saw a tear roll down the side of her face so i wiped it away. And then I was in my thoughts.

She was the person who made me feel the hapiness again. After I broke up with Jenna, I was depressed. I cried like a lot. Kairi, Ale, Robert, Taylor and Victoria cheered me up and made me feel better. I love my friends. But me, dumbass shit got back with her. In a toxic relationship. We broke up again and I cried even more. Yeah. I am emotional. Who would think Mattia Polibio is emotional huh? But I am. Then I was good with Cynthia. She was really funny and cute until I found out she was using me for clout. God, I was disappointed. After that I was really a cold person. I was behaving like an asshole. When I saw y/n, sitting in front of her house, crying, I felt something.
I don't know what. But this feeling told me that the best decision is to talk to this girl. So I did it. And I'm glad I did it. Never saw a girl like this... She has something that makes her special. She is my girl. My baby.

Y/n's pov

I saw Mattia just staring at me. I guess he is in his thoughts. I kissed him on the cheek and he came back.

"What are you thinking about?", I asked him.

He said:"You. You're always on my mind y/n. You're the best thing that happened this year. Thank you"


You could tell I started to blush.
This boy is really emotional and handsome. I'm glad I was nice to him. Look where I am now. I get so much love from him.

At the beginning I thought that he is a mean person but after I knew him more and more, I saw that he has a good personality. God I love my roadman!♡

He was looking in my eyes. He picked me up carried me to the kitchen. We backed some cookies and ate dinner. After dinner, we took the cookies and went to my room. We layed down and watched a movie about a water dinosaur and ate the cookies.
After that, I fell asleep.

863 words.
Chapter from admin S.
Hi bishhh🥰🥰 I hope u liked this chapter.
Pls vote for it bc periodt.
Aaand comment if you have a special idea for the next chapter. I'm already writing it soo... I could put your idea in it.
Have a good day 💖

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