3'At the end of the day

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We both went in

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We both went in.
He looked at my room.

Mattia's pov

Wow. She has a really really good taste.
I think she loves vintage stuff. And look, she is so pretty. Wait- no! I shouldn't catch feelings for her!Maybe she has a boyfriend...Should I ask her? No, she is new here and she needs a friend. For now, I should be her friend. She don't seem so shy. I like that.

Y/n's pov

"So what do you think about my room?", I asked.

"I am sure that you love vintage stuff, don't you?", Mattia said.


Mattias stomach growled.
I laughed.

"Wanna eat something?", I asked.

"Yeah, it would be great, but mia mamma made something."


"Oh sorry, it's italian. It means 'my mother' I call her like that."

"Cool. I just say mama to my mom. It's german."

"Your from germany?", he asked.

"Yes. My family is there. I can speak german and english."

"Cool, gonna teach me german, right?"

"We will see."

I laughed.

"Wanna eat with me and my family?", he asked.

"When it's okay for your parents...", I said.

"Yeah it is. They are cool with things like that, they like guests. Let's go."

We headed down and I grabbed my keys.
I'm happy, because I found a new friend really fast. Now, we were in front of their door.
He opened it with his keys.

"Mamma, is it ok when we have a guest? She will stay for dinner.", Mattia said.

"Yeah, will be ready in 20 minutes love!", his mom said from the kitchen.

"Mattia, you know you have to be in the restaurant tomorrow at- ", his father stopped.

"Yeah, at 5pm. I know.", Mattia said.


"Let's go to my room."

I nodded. When we were in his room, I looked at him and smiled.

"What? Why are you smiling at me?"

"Oh nothing, just- your room is cool. I like it.
I will hang out with you everyday. No cap.", I said.

He laughed and asked if I want to play FIFA with him. I said yes of course. Who wouldn't? I mean it's FIFA.

"Did you ever played FIFA before?"

"Yeah, with my dad. He showed me how to play it 2 years ago. I can be rusty."

"We will see."

It ended up that I won. The score was 4:3 for me.

"Oh man, com'on! I thought I was going to win."

I laughed. Then we heard his mom yelling that they finshed cooking. We went upstairs and sat down. We ate some delicious pasta and other things. I said that it tasted so good and I never ate good pasta like that before. After it, Mattia and his dad were watching TV and I just helped his mom to do the dishes.
We finished the dishes. She was happy.

"Thanks for helping. What was your name again? Y/n?", she asked.

"Yes. I could come over and help you whenever you want. It makes me feel good whenever I help someone. Just call me."

I wrote my number on a little paper and gave it to her. Then she went upstairs to take her phone. I took a little look to the living room and saw Mattia. I smiled and then he looked at me. I was in my thoughts so I didn't see him looking at me.

He is such a nice person. His parents are nice too. I wonder if he want to be with me. What- wait. You just to get to know him today. Chill out girl.

The sky got darker. Mattia's mom came and I said that it's late and that I should go home. Mattia stood up and said to his parents that he will bring me home safe and come back. We walked to my house. Now, we were standing in front of my door.

"It was a good day, wanna maybe... hang out tomorrow with my boys?", he asked.

"Sure.", I said and smiled.

I looked him in the eyes and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for being here for me.", I said

He blushed a little bit.

"Uhm, uh, you're welcome."

I went in, waved at him and closed the door.
I looked at him through the window. He was holding his cheek while smiling. Then he turned around and walked away. I was happy to catch that. I went upstairs and lied down. Thinking about school stuff, I fell asleep.

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now