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"Finally, I missed you."

"That was not that long, shut up.", I said.

He showed me what he prepared for breakfast.
Eggs, salad, cheese, sausage and other things, but the best was that he made orange juice by himself.
I was excited to taste that.

"How did you even find this stuff?"

"I literally don't know. Let's say that I have a good instinct?"

"Holyyy, this is so gooood!Mhmm. I can tell that you're italian Mattia."

"Yup, got it in the genes."

After we finished, we just chilled on the couch.
He was watching something.

"What are you watching?"


"Whats that?"

"You don't know what Tiktok is? I will show you, come here."

He showed me the app and I kind of liked it, so I just downloaded it. Also, I saw that he is famous.

"Wow, you're famous huh? 3 Million people? That's a lot!"

"Yeah, but they just like me because they think I look hot or I'm funny...and most of my fans are girls"


"Aren't you jealous?"

"A little, but not that much, I mean, they're fans. You can't do something against it. I'm ok with that."

"Good, you know what? They would literally freak out, if I would say that I am dating someone", he said and laughed.

"I can imagine it ahaha, but don't do that, I don't want that you loose your fans because of me."

"Are you serious?"

"Yup. Totally."

"I want to tell them, but I can't, maybe I can? Should I do it?"

"No, we should say we're close friends."


"Yes, I want to be known too, give me clout"
"Okay okay, I'm joking, chill."

"Should I help you?"

"I can easily do that on my own, but thanks."

After this, I created an account
(@ y/n'shood)
and my bio is: "Welcome to the hood fam. So basically I'm new and trying new things out. Ciao👋🏻"
I felt a little bit cold, so I was laying on the couch. Mattia came closer and we were laying like this:

"I saw your comments, they're really mean sometimes"

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"I saw your comments, they're really mean sometimes"

"Yeah, after I got a haircut for playlist, which looked bad I realized, they were making fun of me."

"First, your haircut is not bad duh, second, what is playlist?"

He explained it and I was really excited, because he told you that there will be something like that again.

"Before you hear it from other people, I dated two people before you. My first girlfriend was Jenna, she is from my school, but it didn't work out, so we broke up. And there is Cynthia, we were like a thing, but it didn't work out too, and now I'm talking to a girl...", Mattia said.

Heyyyy, hope you like my story until now, if you like it then show me it with a star, or a comment. Thank youuu❤

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now