43' ¹

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July 7th|Monday|2PM

I put on some clothes because I'll meet my friends at the park.

"Mama, I'll be back at 10"

"Ok Y/n"
"Be careful"

And with that, I was outside.
I walked over to the skateboard place.

"Y/N!", Sophie and Noah said.

"Y/N!", Sophie and Noah said

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They are my besties

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They are my besties.

"Hey!", I said with a smile.

"Ugh", Lucas said.

"Hello to you too Lucas", I said

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"Hello to you too Lucas", I said.

"You're late like always", he said.

Lucas and I were together in the 7th grade. But we're friends since it did not work out. He has a girlfriend now. And I'm happy that he can get a along with her.

"Tell me how it is to be with BIG BOY MATTIA", Sophie said.

She follows him since he started tiktok.

"Good actually"
"He is the same like he is in his tiktoks"
"Sometimes emotional, sometimes mean and the most times horny", I said and laughed.

Sophie laughed too.
After that, we started to just hang out you know... we skated and did some tricks. There were a couple more freinds of mine but we are not that close. Noah, Sophie and Lucas are my besties here. Even tho Lucas is my ex, he never tells my secrets to someone else.

I was sitting on the edge on the ground while Noah and Sophie were skating. I saw Lucas rolling up to me with his skateboard. He sat down next to me.

"So, how is it to live in the USA?", he said.

"Good, I got used to almost everything there."
"I just don't understand how the school schedules work"

I started to think out loud.

"I wanted a picture of his schedule and when he sent it, I did not understand it"
"He was like 'School starts at 8AM but sometimes at 9AM, when I'm out of school, I'll text you' and I was like 'okay😂'."
"But yea"
"Mattia always explains me when I don't understand something"

"I'm happy for you"

"Thanks", I said.

Sophie and Noah came up to us.

"Y/n you wanna go to megges¹?", Noah asked.

¹megges is a shortcut for McDonald's.

"Yeah why not", I said.


After we ate at megges, we went to Sophie's. 30 minutes of walking. Her house is so big, you can't even imagine.

"What should we do?"
"We have-"

"Sophie, we know what your house has", we said in sink.

Sophie was just like '😅'.

"Let's watch some movies", Lucas said.

"Good idea", Noah said.


We watched the good old mission impossible. The second one.
It was good as always.

"It was an amazing day with you guys, see you tomorrow!", I said while I walked outside.

"It was an amazing day with you guys, see you tomorrow!", I said while I walked outside

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I put one headphone in my ear walking home but, I felt someone following me.

In front of me, there was a street to the left, so I went left. I pressed 110. I did not call yet. If this person will attack me, I will press the call button. I slowly put the phone in the pocket of my jacket. My finger was ready to press. I looked to the street with my eye and there was a person with a black suit. Who is this and why is this always happening to me?

I saw him walking slowly. He was clearly here for me.

He saw me and began to run to me.

I pressed the call button, hoping this will help.

"Stop", I screamed while running.

No answer.

"What the heck do you want?", I shouted again.

I looked behind me and saw that the person stopped running.

He was making the 'come' move with his hands.

Should I go or run home?

587 words.


What should she do?

Find it out now cuz the next chapter already published😈


Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now