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May 21st 2020|Thursday|5AM


I woke up and saw my father.
He was making breakfast.

"Oh my god"
"I should be the one who cooks for you", I said.

"It's my last day here and I wanted to show you my skills."

Yea. He will go back to germany today.
So, todays plan is that we going to the beach. Me, my dad, Mattia, Gianluca and the gang.


Me, Ale and Mattia were sitting on our towels.

"We gonna have fun today", Ale said while he smiled.

I smiled back and Mattia saw it.
Kairi, my dad and the others were walking along the beach. Vic and Tay were swimming.

"Kairi is texting me to come, gotta go", Ale said.

"K", I said.

He stood up and ran away.
I looked at Mattia. His face.

"What?", I said.

"You have a weird bond to Alejandro.
It's like you're loving him and not me" he said.

I could feel a crack in his voice.
I slid closer to him.
I placed my left hand on his right cheek.

"Mattia. Bae. You don't have to be jealous. I fell in love with you and not with Alejandro. I wouldn't cheat on you. That's dishonorable."

I looked him deep in his brown and shiny eyes. He was looking at my lips I guess.

"Then why do you act different with him?"

"He, you know, he broke up with Vic"


"Yea. It's like he seems strong but he can't control his feelings yet. He is emotional. More than you I guess...
And I'm just being here for him, as a friend. If he needs me, I'm here.
This also applies to you."

"I never saw him emotional tho"

"You have to care about him a little bit more. You will see it."

"Okay", he said.

He leaned forwards and kissed me.
He pushed me, causing me to lay down and he got over me without breaking the kiss.
I was smiling into the kiss.

"On your top", he said smiling at me.

"You dominant little bitch", I said.

He laughed.

"Ehem", I heard a voice.

I looked to my left and saw my father.

"Mattia", I said.

He saw my father too and quickly got away from me. Embarrassing.

"I- I should look up for the boys. Later", Mattia said and walked away.

I had to laugh.
Dad sat next to me.



"If you ever have se-"

"Papaaaa", I said.

"Okay okay. I just wanna warn you"
"Did you guys do it?"

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now