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I heard some loud noises. I was scared. There was somebody downstairs and I dont know who that is and how that person even came in!
I heard something on my window.
Somebody threw a small stone on it.
I looked down, I saw Mattia and his father. I opened the window quietly.

"Wait in your room! We will look inside. If we don't come upstairs in five minutes, call the cops", he said quietly.

I nodded.

Mattia's pov

I walked with my dad to the front door. My phone was recording. I wanted to hear everything after this. I opened the door since I had the key. My dad brought two baseball bats for 'emergency'.
We walked in slowly and quietly.
I saw a shadow, which was in the kitchen. As I looked in, I saw a person, all black, looking for something in the cabinets. Than he found some knives and said 'This is enough to erase her'.
Five minutes were over, so y/n is probably calling the cops.
I sneaked up on him and grabbed both of his hands that he can't escape. He tried to ram it into my stomach, but he just get a light cut on my arm. My dad came up to this person and took off his mask.
It was a maybe 35 years old man?
He was definitely not 20. I saw the red and blue lights.

I forced this man to go outside

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I forced this man to go outside. The cops came up to us, took the man and pushed him into the police car.
Y/n ran downstairs and jumped on me.

y/n's pov

I heard the cops coming.
I opened my door and ran downstairs. I saw Mattia and I was so happy. I jumped on him and hugged him tight while tears were falling out of my eyes.

"I was so scared Mattia", I said while crying.

"It's over y/n, don't cry. Shhh"

I placed my head on his shoulder and saw the cut on his arm.

"You have a cut on your arm", i said while I looked at his face.

"It's not that bad. I don't feel the pain if you are around me"

I kissed him and he let me down.
The cops wanted us to fill out a form. As we did, they drove away.
I thanked Mattia and his father for coming and saving me.
Mattias dad was proud of Mattia because he handled the situation on his own. Mostly.
He said that it would be better if Mattia would stay at mine. He walked back and we watched him until Mr. Polibio stepped in their house. After that me and Mattia went back in and checked if every door and window is closed. After that, we went to my room cleaned his cut and layed down.

 After that, we went to my room cleaned his cut and layed down

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"What a day", he said.

"You don't say", I said.

He hugged me from behind and I tried to sleep. But he tried to talk to me.


"Hmm?", I mumbled sleepy.

"You know that I love you right?"

"What's with that?"

"I was just asking. I don't want problems in our relationship. I will ask you every day if you think that I still love you. Do you love me too?"

"I was, I am and I will Polibio."

I could feel his smile. He kissed my head.

"Good night my destiny"

This word is giving me shivers down my spine. sjjwjfgjsjdhwj

"Good night my roadman"

And with that, I started to dream.
I fell asleep with my man next to me. Safely. I am happy to be with him.
I would make the same decision again, if I would travel back in time.

595 words.
Chapter from admin R. and S.
So, I wanted to solve this quickly. If you have an idea of who that man could be then comment it😌✌🏻💜

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