2'Who is this nice guy?

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"Hey, I am Mattia. Saw you sitting here alone, so i decided to talk to you.", he said.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I am y/n.", I said.

"I think that you are new here...When did you move?"

"20 minutes ago..."

"Oh, welcome then. I hope that you will like New Jersey. Why were you crying?"

"I was about to move with my best friend. But her mother called me and canceled it. Now, I don't know what to do here, on my own..."

He asked me if he can sit next to me.
I said yes. He sat down. After a minute of silence he asked me if I can show him the house.

"Of course, come with me."

I stood up and he grabbed my suitcases.
I thanked. Then I openend the door and we both went in.

"Wow. Did you decorate this house? If it is so, good job. This looks amazing!"

"Thanks, my friend said that I should decorate it because I have a good taste..."

"She is so right. Your livingroom and kitchen are so cool. I wonder how your bedroom looks like."

You blush.

"Oh, uhm sorry, I think it sounded wrong."

I just giggled.

"Come, I will show you how it looks."

Then I went upstairs with him...

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now