39' I hope it's nothing bad

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We saw a couple squirrels, birds and some ducks.

"Hey, do you have a boyfriend?", he asked.

Excuse me?



"Why did you ask?"

"Just to know you a little bit more"

"Oh, okay..."

Things got a little bit awkward.

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself"

"Okayy...I'm 16. I'm from Germany and I'm living here in New Jersey"

"So you're from Germany..."
"Okay cool"

"Now your turn"

"You didn't even tell me quite about yourse-"

"It's your turn."

"I'm Dillan, I'm living here too, I have a brother and two sisters. I have a cat and her name is Charlie. I am 17 and like to play basketball. I am often outside with all my little siblings because my parents are at home and they need silence. They sometimes want some time to relax. So it's like I'm babysitting my siblings."

"That's hella information"
"So, I just have a sister and she is in Germany, like my parents."

"How old is she?"

"She is 19"



So we realized that we walked super fast... because the walkway came to an end.

"We were like sonic", he said.

"Ahaha yea, kind of", I said.

"Uhm, do you mind if I could get your number?"

"I was about to ask you"
"You seem chill"
"Here is my number"


"Ok got it", he said.

"Should I drive you?"
"Or can you can go on your own?", I asked.

"Would be nice", he said.

We walked back to the car.
We went in and I drove him to his place.
He showed me his address, so I knew where he was living.


After half an hour, we were infront of his house.

"See you Y/n", he said and walked to his door.

"Bye", I said, waved to him and drove off.


I am at home now. I just wanna chill.
No. I wanna play some videogames.
I opened my secret door and went to my basement. I just made some snacks and layed on the couch. It's my last day here.
I will stay in Germany for about two weeks. I was about to open 'Need for Speed'. But Mattia texted me.

So I had to cancel playing videogames

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So I had to cancel playing videogames.

Mattia rang my doorbell. I walked upstairs and opened the door.

"Hi baby", I said.

He answered with a dry 'Hey'.
He was smiling. But it was fake.
I knew it because he smiled like a second.
Something is going on here.

"Hold up, I have to turn the lights at the basement off", I said.

While walking downstairs to the basement, I thought, maybe... something happened to his family? I hope it's nothing bad. I turned all the lights off and went upstairs...

460 words.
Heyyy fellaasss
Another chapter for y'all :)
I literally have another chapter to go, but I will update it tomorrow...

Feel loved from me💜

Mattia el Polibio|My adventure in New Jersey|Where stories live. Discover now