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Riley was there, standing, everyone came up to her and did a handshake.

"Wassup, I'm Riley."

The boys were a little bit shocked because Riley was the opposite of me.
Riley is also really pretty. She has freckles, a good toned skin and black smooth hair. Only Mattia was like looking normal to her.

"Hi", Matteo said.

"Hey", Riley said while smiling and letting her eyes disappear.

After good two hours, the gang went home. Mattia stayed a little bit more.
I was preparing the Mousse au Chocolat for Riley while she and Mattia were talking. She was talking about her trips to brazil. The jungle and the exotic animals. Mattia placed his elbow on the couch and his head on his hand. He was listening. I guess they will be good friends. I came into the room. I was about to let myself down next to Mattia but he grabbed me, lettin me sit on his lap. He gugged me.

"Woah, and then?", he asked Riley.

"We saw a yellow toxic frog who can kill someone in ten seconds ", Riley said.

"Woah, cool"

"It's cool until you play with your life and die", Riley said.

"What?", Mattia asked having no idea.

"My uncle died because of this frog 32 years ago..."


"But he had cancer and hat two days left", Riley said.

"Plost twist" I said.

Not that I'm joking to make her sad, she knows that I don't joke.

"Yea", Riley said.

"What the fuck", Mattia said to me quietly and tried to not show Riley that he was saying something to me.

"It's cool for her", I said back quietly.

He made the 'Ouhh' face, nodded and turned back to Riley.
She was already eating the Mousse au Chocolat. Her cheeks were big and round. I think she just put all the dessert in her mouth.

"What?", she said with a full mouth.

I nudged Mattia that he shouldn't laugh because Riley was testing him. Like she did to me.
If he would laugh, she would not be friends with him. He suppressed his laugh so that Riley couldn't see it.
After we talked A LOT about EXOTIC ANIMALS, like for real, we talked about two hours 😬. Riley was tired so she went up to get ready for bed.


Mattia kissed me lovely on my lips with closed eyes, I was standing on my toe tips and my left hand was holding his right cheek. His both hands on the sides of my neck. We were kissing so long, I even forget how many minutes went by.
I let go, he opened his eyes, saw me, smirked, looked at my lips and gave me a last peck. He was staring at my eyes.

"I will never forget those eyes", he said.

"And I will never forget yours", I said.

He walked to the middle of the street. I was waiting for him to get home safe.

"Good night my destiny", he shouted to me.

"I love you!", I shouted back.

He smiled while he walked backwards.
He sent me a kiss with his hand.
(a/n: I hope you can understand what I mean ^^)
He turned back and ran to his house.
He stepped inside, closed the door.
I did the same. I cleaned the living room, the kitchen and went upstairs.
Riley was sitting on my bed.

"I thought you were alseep", I said.

"No, I waited for you"

"What do you wanna do?"

"Everything except sleeping"

"Yea, thought that"
"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Heck yeah"

Riley was looking for a good film on netflix. I brought some snacks and we just watched madagascar.

"Soo, you're with this Mattia boy?", Riley asked.

"He is really handsome"
"Did a boy caught you eye?"

"No, not really"

"How not really?"

"I don't know, Matteo was really nice to me... but I don't think he is into me"

"Are you into him?"

"No, but if he is, I would give him a chance"



We finished the movie, cleaned up and went to sleep. I was sleeping on the left and she on the right side.

669 words.
Soo, the other admins left cause their phones were taken away...

If you like my story, just vote pls🔅💜
Stay healthy bebs💜🍇

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