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Alexis POV
"Alex. Time to wake up, baby girl. You have to get ready for school." My Mom, Demi, says shaking me gently.

"Do I have to go?" I ask looking up at Mom with pleading eyes.

"Is there something going on at school that I don't know about?" I look away from Mom's worried eyes.

"No.. I just want to spend time with you, Mommy." I look back at Mom. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth.

"If you go to school we can spend time together. How does that sound, baby girl?"

"Deal!" I exclaim while smiling. "Carry me downstairs?" I laugh as I hold my arms out wanting to be carried.

You're probably wondering if I'm too old to be carried.. well yes, but no. I'm pretty light for my age. Mom picks me up and I rest my head on her shoulder. She takes a picture with me in her arms and takes me downstairs. I saw she posted it on Instagram.

@ / ddlovato - She is always going to be my baby girl. I love you beautiful daughter, @ / alexisgracelovato 😊❤️

I scroll down through the comments.

babyishlovato - You guys are fucking adorable! My heart! ❤️

alexlovatoistrash - what kind of fourteen-year-old needs to be carried? What a big ass baby.

killyourselfalex - I sit right by her in class. she's fat and ugly. And a whore. :)

I put my phone down and sigh as I sit down at the island in the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah.. just looking at Instagram.."

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Uhh.. I'm not really hungry.. I had a midnight snack, I'm pretty full from that." I say, putting my books in my backpack.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling alright? You know you can always talk to me if somethings bothering you." Mom looked and sounded worried.


Demi's POV
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked looking up from my phone as Alex sat down.

"Uhh.. I'm not really hungry.. I had a midnight snack, I'm pretty full from that." Alex says, putting her books in her backpack.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling alright? You know you can always talk to me if something's bothering you." I was worried. What if Alex ends up having an eating disorder like me? What if she's harming herself again? It's probably nothing.. if it continues I'll talk to her.


"Happy birthday, baby girl!" I exclaimed as my now ten year old daughter bounded down the steps wearing a long sleeve shirt that was white with black stars on it and black leggings.

"Thank you, Mama." Alex smiled, even if it was a tired smile.

"I can't believe that my baby is ten." I smiled as I put a stack of pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate chips on top in front of Alex. She always requests that for her birthday ever since she could talk. "You need to stop growing up."

"Mama, can I ask you a question?" Alex asked, looking up from her breakfast.

"Ask away." I smiled at Alex before I continued putting the dishes away.

"H-How old were you when you first harmed yourself?" Alex stuttered. I froze in place, thinking of worst case scenarios on why my ten year old daughter would consider asking that question.

"I was eleven.." I quietly answered. "Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"N-No reason." Alex quickly replied with a stutter. I noticed she was playing with her sleeves.

"Did you harm yourself?" I asked as I went over to Alex. She looked down, not answering my question. I grabbed one of Alex's arms and rolled up her sleeves, which revealed fresh cuts on her arm. I covered my mouth as I let out a gasp. My baby harmed herself...

"I-I'm sorry.." Alex whimpered. I immediately pulled her into my embrace and she clung onto me.

"Why, baby girl?" I asked as I rubbed Alex's back.

"I.. I thought it would help stop the voices." Alex whispered. I never thought my daughter would turn into a younger me, but she did. I wiped away some of my own tears, hoping she didn't see them.

"Next time you feel the way you did.. come to me. Okay?" I spoke soothingly as I rocked us back and forth.


"Mhm.." Alex replies, putting her backpack over her shoulder.

"Let's get you to school!" I smile and grab the keys and we head to the car.


"Yeah, baby girl?"

"Can Marissa spend time with us later too?" Alex asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Of course!" I smile.

"Mom! Slow down! You almost hit that elderly lady!" Alex says panicking.

"It's fine! She's seen the world already!" We both laugh a bit. We pulled up at the front of the school. Alex gets out of the car. I rolled down the window. "HAVE FUN MY HONEY BUNCH!" I yelled to her, trying to embarrass her.

"MOM! STOP!" Alex turns around and laughs before walking into the school. How did I get so lucky?

Help Me, Mom | Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now