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Alex's POV
Maddie and I were chilling in my room while Mom and Dallas talked about dull stuff most likely.

"Maddie! What the heck are you doing?!" I asked when Maddie grabbed my phone.

"I'm prank calling Logan. She doesn't have your number so it's a PERFECT opportunity.. after I use the bathroom!" Maddie laughed as she ran into the bathroom.

The doorbell rang and I went to go see who was at the door but Mom answered before me.

"What are you doing here?" Mom's voice scowled.

"I left some of my clothes here. May I come in and grab them?" I heard a familiar voice ask. It was Max, who is Mom's ex.

"Sure. Go ahead. Just DON'T do anything!"

"Thank you." Max replied. He came up the stairs and smirked when he saw me.

Max proceeded to go into Mom's room and grab his clothes, when he came out, he stopped by my bedroom door.

"This won't be the last time you see me." Max whispered sexually in my ear. I stiffened as he left.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Maddie asked as she came out of the bathroom.

"I.. I.." I stuttered as I choked up. The knots in my stomach tightened, my breathing became uneven, my whole body was shaking as I gasped for air.

"Alex? What's happening?" Maddie asked as she rushed over to me.

"I.. I c-can't b-breathe!" I tried to let out the best I could. Maddie pulled me close to her, trying to calm me down. Demi or Dallas were always the ones who knew how to help me when something like this happens.

"DEMS!" Maddie yelled, her voice frantic and laced with fear. Only a couple seconds later Mom rushed into the room, slightly out of breath. Her eyes widened as she saw the state I was in and quickly came to me.

"I-I can't b-breathe, Mom! I-It hurts!" I choked out. I was sweating, my hands were clammy, and my heart was pounding.

"Sit down, Alex." Mom's calming voice instructed as she helped me over to my bed. "Maddie, can you get me some water?" She asked Maddie as she comfortingly rubbed my back. Moments later Maddie came back with a water bottle.

"Here you go." Maddie said as she handed Mom the water.

"Match my breathing, baby girl." Mom spoke as she pulled me in a hug as I let my head rest against her chest. "In and out.. in and out." She cooed. I followed along with her breathing and listened to her heartbeat. We finally managed to get my breathing back to normal.

"Are you okay? What happened, baby?" Mom asked with worry lacing her voice. I took a big sip of water before I spoke.

"M-M-Max.." I spoke, my voice a little raspy.

"Did he do something?" Dallas chimed in, entering my room.

"He said something.." I whispered quietly.

"What did he say?" Maddie asked.

"H-He said it wouldn't be the last time I saw h-him.." I spoke a little above a whisper this time.

Dallas then said something to Mom, but I zoned out when the demons started pestering me.

You idiot. He's going to get in trouble because of you.

Isn't that a good thing?

No! He was giving you what you deserved. Remember?

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