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Alex's POV
"Alex, it's time to get up. You have a photoshoot in two hours. We have to get going soon." Mom spoke softly as she rubbed my back.

"Photoshoot?" I asked groggily. No one told me about one.

"Did I not tell you? I knew I was forgetting something!" Mom facepalmed and I tried to stifle a laugh. "Grandma is joining us too!"

"Really?!" I asked excitedly. "Why not Maddie?"

"She's busy hanging out with Logan. She thinks we're not cool enough." Mom jokes.

"I'm cool. I don't know you about you though." I joked back. Mom put a hand over her heart and pretended to be hurt.

"H-How could you?!" Mom fake cried.

"I'm sorry, Mama! You're cool to me! I love you!" I hugged Mom and she hugged back.

"I love you more though!" Mom exclaimed as she threw me over her shoulder.

"Put me down!" I laughed as Mom carried me downstairs.

"Should I ask?" Grandma asked and laughed.

"Nope!" Mom said as she put me down at the kitchen table. "Eat." She pointed to a bowl of cereal. I gulped as sweat formed on my face.

"M-Mama.." I choked out. "H-Help.."

Mom was about to come and help until Grandma spoke up.

"Come here, baby girl." Grandma said as she held her arms out. I went over to her and Mom let out a slight gasp.

"She's smaller than you, Mama.." Mom said to Grandma. (A/N: That's how short/skinny Alex is)

"Alex. Why won't you eat?" Grandma asked.

"I'm fat and ugly." I replied. "I need to be skinny to be pretty."

"You don't need to be skinny to be pretty." Grandma stated. "Do you think your Mom and I are fat?"

"No! You're so beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"You're skinnier than us and you think you're fat. You're beautiful just the way you are. Alright? Don't listen to anyone that says otherwise. You're perfect the way you are and you shouldn't try to change it." Grandma said as she kissed my forehead.

"Okay.." I spoke.

"Now eat." Grandma said as she got up. I nodded and slowly ate all of my cereal.

"Good job, baby girl." Mom hugged me and I smiled. "Go get dressed. We have to leave soon." She said as she let go of me.

"Okay!" I ran upstairs and went to find a decent outfit.

(Alex's Outfit)

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(Alex's Outfit)

"I'm ready!" I yelled as I ran downstairs. I was wearing a black leather jack, a Beatles shirt, black ripped jeans, and black converse. What can I say? I love black.

Help Me, Mom | Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now