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Alex's POV
I woke up the next day in my Mom's bed. At first I was confused, then I remembered my demons taunting me. I look to see Mom on her phone. I snuggle closer to her.

"Good morning, baby girl." Mom says, moving hair out of my face and kissing my forehead. "What happened last night, sweetie?" She asks as she puts her phone down and holds me.

"I.. It was nothing.. just something stupid.. I'm fine now." I say as I put a fake smile on my face as I sit up. Mom turns me to face her and grabs my hands.

"Are you sure it was nothing? You can always tell me. Nothing is ever stupid, baby girl. I want to help you. If anything is going through that pretty little head of yours, talk to me? Please?" Mom pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sure it was nothing, Mom. I'll make sure to talk to you if anything is bothering me."

"Okay. I'll make us some breakfast." Mom starts to head out the door.

"Mom! Wait! I.. I do have a question that's been on my mind recently." I say. Mom turns around before leaving the room.

"What is it?" Mom sits on the bed next to me again.

"What happened to my Dad?" As soon as I asked the question Mom tensed up. "You don't have to if you don't want-"

"No, I'll tell you. You're old enough to know now. His name is Aaron. We only had sex together once. I didn't want to have sex with him, but he was drinking and got drunk. Then he decided to get me drunk. We had sex without protection and a couple weeks later when I found out I was pregnant with you, I called him over to tell him. He got mad and didn't want to be apart of it."

Demi's POV
"No, I'll tell you. You're old enough to know now. His name is Aaron. We only had sex together once. I didn't want to have sex with him, but he was drinking and got drunk. Then he decided to get me drunk. We had sex without protection and a couple weeks later when I found out I was pregnant with you, I called him over to tell him. He got mad and didn't want to be a part of it."


"Aaron, I'm pregnant. With your baby. That night we got drunk and had sex, was without protection." I explained as we were sitting on the couch. Aaron got up and looked angry.

"What the fuck do you mean pregnant?! I don't want to have a fucking child with you! I don't want to raise this baby. This child could end my whole ass career."

"What do you mean you don't want to raise them?! You made them with me! It needs to have a father figure in their life when it's older!" I was starting to get pissed at Aaron.

"Can't you just have an abortion? Then both of our careers won't go downhill!"

"I'm not going to have an abortion! I want to keep this baby! It would be nice if you would raise them with me! At least see them once a week!"

"I don't want to be apart of the baby's life, Demi." Aaron said angrily and threw something and walked out. I sat on the couch and silently cried.


"Mom?" Alex asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, baby girl?" I held her hands in mine.

"Am I a mistake?"

"No, no, no! Not at all! Just because we got drunk and had sex doesn't mean you're a mistake." I hugged Alex.

"But.. he left.. he didn't want me." Alex starts tearing up.

Alex's POV
"Am I a mistake?" I asked as I looked Mom in the eyes.

"No, no, no! Not at all! Just because we got drunk and had sex doesn't mean you're a mistake." Mom hugged me tightly.

"But.. he left.. he didn't want me." I started tearing up.

"Hey, don't cry, baby girl. He's just a stupid cunt who doesn't want to take responsibility for a baby he made. You're not a mistake, you never will be a mistake. Okay?" Mom wiped away my tears with the pad of her thumb. I nod.

"I.. I want to meet him.. I want to meet my Dad." I talked quietly and looked down and felt ashamed that I want to meet him after everything. Mom made me look into her eyes.

"It's okay, if you want to meet him. I'm sure he matured enough over the 14 years. If you want to meet him, I can try and see what I can do to find him."

"Yes.. I do want to meet him." I sniffed. Mom nodded and carried me downstairs to the kitchen. I hope I don't have to eat.

A/N: So, what do you guys think of the story so far?

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