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Demi's POV
"You have to eat something, baby girl. Just this piece of toast?" I tried coaxing Alex to eat something for the sixth time in two days. She's been back for those two days and never touched or even looked at her food. She just sits on the couch and looks out the window. She doesn't even sleep in her own room now.

"Please, eat. For me?" I practically begged. I looked over at Max and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"F-Fine.." Alex whispered. It was also the first time we heard her voice in two days. She hesitantly picked up the piece of toast and took little nibbles of it.

Max's POV
Alex needs to stop taking Demi's attention. She needs to stop being an attention whore. I want Demi for myself. I need to get Alex alone and have a little chat with her.

"Max, I need to run to the store. I need to get some Advil. Alex says her head hurts." Demi stated as she grabbed her purse and put on a pair of shoes. "Can you stay here with Alex?"

"Of course." I smiled at Demi. We kissed and then Demi went on her way to the store.


I grabbed Alex's hand and dragged her up to her room.

"Ow! That hurts! What are you doing?" Alex asked frantically.

"Shut up and get on the bed!" I shoved Alex forcefully on her bed. "You listen to me, bitch. You need to stop taking all of Demi's attention with all of your attention seeking bullshit."

Alex's POV
"Shut up and get on the bed!" Max shouted as he shoved me forcefully onto my bed. "You listen to me, bitch. You need to stop taking all of Demi's attention with all of your attention seeking bullshit." He shouted in my face. His breath reeked of one familiar scent. Alcohol.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"You heard me. If you don't, I'll have to take drastic measures." Max spoke right in my face.

"L-Like what?" I asked nervously.

"I'm glad you asked." Max smirked and that's when he pulled down his pants. Please, God. Not this again. Please. I begged in my head. He forcefully held me down and pulled off my pants. He shoved his penis in and out forcefully.

"S-Stop!" I tried pushing Max off me, but he was stronger than me.

"Moan for me, bitch." Max commanded. I forced a moan. There was a sound of a door shutting downstairs.

"I'm home!" I heard Mom's voice shout.

"You don't tell her about this. Got it?" Max said sternly as he got off of me. He threw me back my pants as he finished putting his on. "Put those back on." He then popped a mint in his mouth as he exited my room and shut the door.


Demi's POV
"Is Alex in her room?" I asked Max as he came downstairs.

"Yes, she wanted me to carry her up there." Max smiled at me. I nodded as I grabbed the Advil out of the bag and headed upstairs to her room.

"Alex, I got the Advil and some water." I said from outside Alex's door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah.." Alex said quietly. I opened her door and saw her under her blanket. "Can you just leave it on my bedside table? I want to be alone right now." She whispered, afraid if she spoke quietly that something or someone might fall apart. Something was wrong with her and she's hiding it.

"Is something wrong, baby girl?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"Nothing is wrong, Mama. I'm just tired. I'm probably just going to shower and take a nap." Alex replied as she took the Advil.

Help Me, Mom | Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now