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Alex's POV
It's been a week since the party and luckily for me, nobody found out I was there. I've been hiding that I haven't been eating and I'm surprised Mom didn't find out yet.

Everyday my demons keep talking in my head. I want to die more and more everyday. Should I talk to my Mom about it? Yes. Am I gonna? No, because I don't want to be a burden, especially when here career is getting back on track.

"Alex! Someone is here to see you!" Mom shouted upstairs.

"Send them up!" I shouted back as I quickly hid my blades in a box that was under my bed.

"Alex?" A familiar voice spoke as the door opened.

"Kenzie?" I asked as I looked up from my bed. "What are you doing here?" I unblocked Kenzie a couple weeks ago.. I just never tried making conversation with her.

"I just wanted to check on you. You've been distant and I was concerned.." Kenzie spoke quietly.

She's lying. No one is ever concerned about you.

I tightly gripped the sides of my mattress until my knuckles turned white.

"Alex? Are you okay? Should I go get Demi?" There was a look of fear on Kenzie's face.

"No! I'm fine!" I spat. Kenzie looked shocked at my sudden outburst. "Sorry.. can you get me some water?" I asked her. I needed my plan to come into action. I want to finally be happy, which is what my plan will do. I need my antidepressants and Xanax. I'm not gonna take too much, just some to get me through the day.

"Of course." Kenzie flashed a small smile before leaving my room.

I grabbed the box that had my blades, Xanax, and antidepressants in it. I got a hold of the Xanax and antidepressants and put the box back. Little did I know, I was going to fuck up big time.

I downed four of the Xanax and took one antidepressant. Only a few short minutes later, I started excessively sweating and shaking. Did I take too much? I quickly looked up how much is too much.

You idiot. You took too much.

I got up off my bed on shaky legs and tried to make my way to the bathroom, to hopefully get the shit out of me. Before I knew it, black dots blocked my vision and I collapsed on the floor as my vision faded to black.

Kenzie's POV
"So, how are you and Alex doing?" Demi asked me as I came downstairs.

"I guess you could say complicated. She never really talks to me anymore. She's been super distant so I just wanted to come and check on her." I replied.

"I see. Would you guys ever be down to fuck each other?" Demi joked and laughed her famous laugh.

"Demi!" I screamed Demi's name and laughed.

"Just asking!" Demi put her hands up in surrender.

"Well, it's for me to know and for you to maybe find out." I smirked. Demi gasped and continued laughing. We were talking for a bit when we heard a thud from upstairs.

"Alex?! Are you okay, baby girl?!" Demi shouted upstairs. Worried was etched upon her face when Alex didn't reply.

"I'll go check on her." I told Demi before I ran upstairs.

I opened Alex's door and I wish I prepared myself for what I saw. There was an open bottle of pills on her dresser and Alex was unconscious on the floor. Sweat covered her face and she was really pale.

"Is everything alright up there?!" Demi called up.

"Alex! Oh my God!" I practically screamed instead of answering Demi's question.

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